Well since I was on call today and didn't get called into work, the restore hit me like a ton of bricks, oh yea I need to go check it out. So of on a last mintue decision to go. I asked them if they had any small bits of formica laminate, guy said he didn't think, then asked what about a small part of a counter top that had some, told him my idea that I needed a small bit of it to make a saw top slicker, they had another building loaded with stuff, cabinets, flooring, and he said I could look around to see what I could come up, and low and behold I found a small roll of formica! I asked him how much he said oh 5-10 bucks cool. Looked around rest of store see what other stuff I might fancy in, nothing caught my eye, go check out and he gave it to me for 5 bucks, think I am in heaven. Now just got to mark out it and cut it, and in hopes not try to tear it up, may cut the size I need in wood than kinda sandwhich the piece in the wood to keep from splitting it and chipping it, I know if cutting on my table saw the the face of the formica should face up so the direction of the blade doesn't chip out the top right? I got enough to make more if I mess up, but think sandwhich it in between some wood would work better.