Howdy Arkiewood,
It has been awhile since I've been on here myself. We have had a long and very rough year ourselves. Not only health wise, but financially, as well. I hope 2019 brings us better blessings, and for you folks, as well.
As far as your chair question, years ago, when I fist started scrollin', I sat on a wood bar stool. Had it for several years until I updated to a New Hawk a few years ago, and then I went to a barbers' chair. The barbers' chair allowed me to adjust my height to wherever was comfortable for me, and was a wide enough seat I wasn't crowded into it like an office chair.
Last Summer, I purchased a BM-26 Hawk, which a somewhat higher yet that my 220, so I had to locate yet another barber chair.
I have been using barber's chairs about 5 years now, and I won't go back to anything else!