I took my saw apart and these are the pics of the Bottom holder modifications I've done. 1th pic, shows drilled hole, squared w/jewelers files, I didn't go with too big of a hole because I didn't want to weaken the part. And the S S plate (I used a SS hose clamp) filed to fit the hole. I didn't measure to too great a degree. I just cut it big and then started filing it to fit the hole. After it fit good I bent it over so it couldn't fall out when the blade isn't clamped. 2th pic shows top view and the bend I put in the plate so it was easier to put blade in place for tightening. It works pretty good, but almost always have to move the blade to the side that it's spoasda go in. In this case to the left of the plate. 3th pic shows the end (tab) of the plate sticking through the holder and bent over. It does move up and down so when you tighten the blade you have to remember to hold UP on it so it won't bend the blade. I put quite a lot of pressure on my blades with the tightener. Nothing's worse than a blade slipping out of the clamp. Oh yah, my wife says I should tell you about my numbering system, it seems 2th nature to me since I've been doing it for so long. Oneth (1th), Twoth (2th), Threeth (3th), Fouth (4th), Fiveth (5th), Sixth (6th), Seventh (7th), Eighth (8th), Nineth (9th), Tenth (10th). I ain't figured the next ten numbers out yet, but when I do I'll let you know. I think they'll go something like this: Oneteenth (1teenth), Twoteenth (2teenth), that would be the most logical way.