Torsten ask how I hurt myself, so bear with me. On Feb.6, 2009 I was delivering 5gallon bottles of drinking water to a ethenal plant. They had not sanded their lots yet so it was all ice. Well I stepped out of the truck and my feet went flying. I hit my back on the running board of the truck and my head on the floorboard of the truck then I hit the ground and was knock out. What has happened to my back is, the nerves that go up and down on the inside of the spin are alll tangled together and a piece of fusun feom a back surgery I had in 92 broke off and is pinching the nerves when ever I walk, sit stand, bend. I am on strong pain pills just so I can get around and now I have to walk with a cane. So the scroll saw is my life saver. If I had to sit around all the time I would go crazy, so say I'm there already. You ask I told you.