Wouldn't this be nice?!?!?!?!?
Well GrayBeard the reason you got that error is because you still using windows xp..... Time to update to windows vista don't go with windows 7 windows 7 is like winodws me was. Windows 8 don't bother with it. You can't play dvd's Microsoft took that out. Now if you want to play dvd's on windows 8 you'll have to buy software to play dvd's that sucks. I'm using windows vista and i'm going to wait until 2014 to update the the next o/s. I'm sure there a lot of people that like winodws 7. but I don't I like windows vista. They took so much out of windows 7 and windows 8 that is the reason I hate them both. Microsoft just don't get it. I think they should read Microsoft for dummies lol. Or they should rehire bill gates. I still love the good old days of MS-DOS and BBS. enough said. have a good week.