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Topics - bobadkinsfoto

Pages: [1]
Introduce Yourself. / Older newbie from Southeast Alaska
« on: January 02, 2019, 03:13:35 pm »
Greetings from Haines, Alaska.  Last spring I bought the last Porter-Cable Scroll Saw that our "local" (750 miles away) Lowe's had in stock.  I modified it, following the directions in Scroll Saw Woodworking magazine, and now I'm trying to make things.  First I made some coasters, which you do NOT want to see.  Then I made a couple of signs, which didn't turn out too badly, and next a couple of napkin holders, which are almost acceptable.  The problem is that I keep getting faulty patterns.  I get the pattern fixed firmly on my piece of wood, but the lines still keep jumping away from the saw blade ... must be leprechauns or something.   >:(  There are no other scroll sawers in my isolated little town, so hopefully I can pick up some hints and tips here on the Forum.

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