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Topics - KarlB

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Swap Shop / Excalibur 30 Craigslist Cape Coral FL
« on: December 13, 2011, 10:51:56 pm »
Here's the link and they want $750 firm.  Says it has all the bells and whistles. 

(I hate bells when I'm scrolling. ;D)


Brag Forum / First and only sales this year.
« on: December 11, 2011, 10:27:23 pm »
I wasn't planning on doing this this year, but at the last minute decided to give it a go.  This was mainly horse related stuff as the event was an Extreme Cowboy event my daughter was going to.

There were about 30-40 people there with about 10-12 being youth under 18.  My sales were first thing in the morning, then after the event was over in the afternoon.

I made $140 for the day with these sales:

12 ornaments - $4 each
1 Horse Candle Tray and charm set (Sheila's pattern) - $ 35
1 "I love you this much" (Steve Good's pattern) - $10
2 Mustang standup puzzles - $15 each
1 Horse Key Chain ( Combo of Sheila's horse silhouette and Steve's Dino egg pattern) - $7
(I also sold a new Horse book for  $10)
(Gave away 2 fret work horse portraits and 2 key chains for a raffle.)

I had priced $418 worth of goods so I think 25% plus is pretty good. 

I was really surprised about not selling but one horse key chain.  I've made now about 25 of them out of different species of wood. (3 my daughter wanted! 1 my wife wanted! 4 or 5 given away!)

I thought they would really sell.  Will try other venues.

As for my table, I bought a green fleece blanket from WalMart for $5, the runner and place mats from the Dollar Tree for $1 each.

Sorry for the tape on the sign, it is tacky I know.  (Forgot the tacks.)

I will focus on inventory for next year and may try 2 to 3 shows.


Brag Forum / New blade holder
« on: December 03, 2011, 09:08:53 pm »
Well I just received 5 new blades from Mike so I had to update my blade holder.  This was my first:

Well instead of doing another when I get more blades in the future, I planned and used all of my tubes.  15 in total.

The side of the holder is pine, the cross members are Spanish cedar. The blades are Flying Dutchman.   ;D

Dimensions: 7 3/4" tall, 11" wide, 12 3/4" deep

I should be set now for quite a while!


Tutorials, Techniques and Tips / Need ideas for milling small wood
« on: November 20, 2011, 06:20:11 pm »
I recently bought some wood platters from Goodwill (see this post: and want to plane them to 1/4".  I also have a lot of small scrap pieces of some exotics and likewise want to mill those.

I have a couple of ideas, but want to get feedback from others.

One idea is to get a piece of 1/4" mdf (or other waste wood) and cut out the small pieces in this and inset them into this jig.  Then setup an outside perimeter wall about 1 1/2" tall all around this.  Then using an auxiliary bottom to my router and a 3/4" straight bit "plane" the smaller pieces to 1/4".  (Probably use double stick tape as well.)

For the platters I was thinking of cutting them in strips on a band saw, joining one edge then either re-sawing to 5/16" and sanding to 1/4" or planing to 5/16" instead and sanding.

Really I'm looking for safety first, maximum use of wood second.

Ideas, tips?


General Scroll Saw Talk / Goodwill finds for scrollers
« on: November 20, 2011, 06:05:14 pm »
I was in Goodwill last evening and bought some things for use in scrolling:

The frames are 8 x 10 and 10 x 13 and were 99 cents each (two were 50% off.)  They are oak and will surround some fret work just fine.

The coasters were 1.99 and they are solid wood.

The wood platters were 1.99 to 2.99.  Not sure of the species, but the darker one looks like it could be teak.  One is from Japan (the one with the floral tile) and is probably from the 70's.  The long one is from Taiwan.  The dark one is from unknown.

I've been cutting some key chains recently and will probably mill these all to 1/4".  This will also work for ornaments.


Brag Forum / Dog Friends by Grampa - finished!
« on: October 25, 2011, 10:42:01 pm »
I finally finished it after many months.  Most of the time I had it set aside just sitting.  :(

I made the frame from poplar and stained to match.

I made two copies of this (stacked) one for our friend and the other for my daughter (not finished with that one yet).

Our friend Carol loved the gift!

Thanks Grampa for your work!

(The original post is here:


Brag Forum / Bookmarks
« on: August 27, 2011, 08:57:39 pm »
I just finished these bookmarks and thought I'd share them.

The horse bookmarks are adapted from Sheila Landry's Horse Candle Tray and Charm set.  They are 3/32" solid cherry with spray varnish as finish.

The arrowhead is from Steve Good.  It is 1/4" oak with no finish.

The dolphin is from Steve Good.  It is two veneers stuck back to back with double stick veneer tape.  It has a spray varnish finish.

The lightning bolt and fleur-de-lis are also from Steve Good, but the bookmark design on the latter is from Tuliptree Crafts LLC.  There are also veneers with the lightning bolt being maple and the fleur-de-lis being...Uh, I forgot  ??? .  (It's from an entertainment center we just built at my work.)  They too have the spray varnish finish.

My first cut on the 3/32" cherry resulted in four accidents (I stacked the cut) when I broke the leg of the horse on a too sharp turn.  My second four lost one in the herd for losing one it's legs as well.  The ones you see are the only survivors.  I'll have to change the design if I cut any more!  :D


Brag Forum / Blade holder tubes
« on: August 14, 2011, 05:45:59 pm »
While at my local Dollar Tree today I saw these tubes with a little watch inside of it.  They look like the Baby Soda Bottle Test Tubes I believe that were mentioned before:

These were 1$ each but obviously no shipping involved, plus the watches will go to my daughter, niece and gifts to whoever.

I made a quick stand to hold the blades I just recently bought, but I will make another holder later on.

They are perfect size and they held the paper Mike supplies with his blades.  I placed a Fastcap screw cover on top (White) for identification.

Such a great deal I may go back for a few more!!


General Scroll Saw Talk / Foot Switch Stand when sitting on stool
« on: July 12, 2011, 05:42:17 pm »
It was hard on my legs (and behind) when I was scrolling sitting on my Dewalt bar stool. I put a box under the switch and it worked okay, but I wanted something better.

I built this as a result.  I had originally intended on making the angle adjustable, hence the hinges, but after trying out with a few blocks under the top board I found it works at this angle. (It also works fine for my son and wife.)

I took off the protective shield, but you can leave it on.  

My only problem is sometimes I back my pressure off the switch thinking it will decrease the speed of the saw.  (You know, like a gas pedal!)  :D

The piece of wood at the back is where my heel sits so it doesn't fall off!


Brag Forum / Sheila Landry Designs Candle Trays MORE by KarlB
« on: July 10, 2011, 10:09:38 pm »
Here are a few more trays I cut in the past 2 weeks.  I just finished the Lily Pads and Frogs pattern today.  The other two are unfinished.

Lily Pads & Frogs:  Pine, 3/8", Stained outside painted accents
Horses #1: Maple, 3/8", Unfinished
Horses & Mountains: Mahogany, 3/8", Unfinished

With regard to the Lily Pads and Frogs my intent was to follow Sheila's directions and I purchased the stain medium from Jo-Anns today.  I didn't like the look with the off white so I abandoned it.  So I found myself doing way more painting than I wanted.  (I know why I gave up the painting of projects many years ago.  :D )  After I was finished with painting I tried the stain medium with the green on a scrap of pine and it looked great!  Oh well, next one I'll do right!

Thanks to Sheila again on great patterns.


Brag Forum / Sheila Landry Designs Horse Candle Tray by KarlB
« on: July 07, 2011, 07:43:02 pm »
I finished this last week, but just getting around to posting.  I've since cut 3 others candle trays (pics coming).

I really like this pattern and was surprised when I asked Sheila about a horse pattern and she had one in the making!  Thank you Sheila!

I don't know the wood species -sorry.  It is 3/8" thick and only finished (right now) with Minwax Golden Oak stain.  I wanted the grain to pop.  I'm still pondering the top coat.


Brag Forum / Grampa's Wolf Pattern
« on: January 30, 2011, 11:39:43 pm »
Here is Grampa's Wolf pattern he posted a few days ago.

The wood is 1/4" Walnut stained with Dark Walnut by Minwax.  It is attached to a 1/4" Maple plywood oval.  No top finish yet.

I reduced the pattern down to just under 6 inches (the oval is 8 1/2").  I changed the pattern in a couple of very small ways.

The walnut cut way too fast and next time I will slow it down by stacking.  (Although I've stacked hardwoods before and had too many problems.

Thanks for a great pattern Paul.


Pattern Requests. / Pattern of dog friends
« on: January 29, 2011, 06:09:43 pm »
I've tried making this photo into an image to scroll, but can't seem to do it in PhotoImpact.  I'm sure there's a way, but I can't seem to find it!

I would like to get the two dogs without the background.

The dog on the left is Cymba, he is our neighbors dog and has cancer.  His owner has stopped the chemo now and there's nothing more to do.  The dog on the right is Bambi and is our dog.  He is an Australian Cattle dog.

Thanks ahead of time.


General Scroll Saw Talk / New CW&C magazine
« on: December 20, 2010, 06:34:16 pm »
Just received the new CW&C magazine and I must say Sheila has an ADORABLE pattern in it!  I won't spoil it for those who haven't received the issue yet, but it's on page 34-35.


Pattern Requests. / "Be Seeing You" request
« on: December 15, 2010, 10:25:33 pm »
I wonder if anyone could produce a pattern with the "salute" done in The Prisoner TV show. 

I've looked around for even a photo, but have found nothing.  It was basically formed by making a circle with the thumb and index finger and then keeping extended the other three fingers.  The circle formed was then placed over the eye with a bit of a tip out and then "Be Seeing You" was spoken as two people parted company.

I thought this would make a great project.

Thanks if anyone can help.  ( I can't, I'm art challenged.)


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