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General Category => General Scroll Saw Talk => Topic started by: SheGold on January 06, 2012, 07:52:53 pm

Title: Finish help
Post by: SheGold on January 06, 2012, 07:52:53 pm
When using mineral oil on say a bowl or cutting board how long does it need to cure? Thanks for any help... Sheila
Title: Re: Finish help
Post by: GrayBeard on January 06, 2012, 08:08:24 pm
Anything I make that is 'food related' I put through a M.O. rubdown, let set for 24 hours and then do it again. After the 2nd application I let it rest for 72 hours before using.

May not be the USDA Federally Approved way but it is My Way and I am sticking with it!!!

Title: Re: Finish help
Post by: daliclimbs on January 06, 2012, 08:51:23 pm
Yea I let my stuff set for about two days. But I use a mineral oil beeswax paste that is easy to make... it gives a little more water resistance than just mineral oil..
Title: Re: Finish help
Post by: SheGold on January 07, 2012, 07:15:49 am
Thank you both.. My daughter is turning bowls... She asked me what to use I knew MO but couldn't advise further.. Told her I'd ask.. Thanks for coming through for me... Sheila
Title: Re: Finish help
Post by: daliclimbs on January 07, 2012, 10:35:46 am
Hey shiela, if she is turning them on a lathe I definitely recomened the beeswax paste. It is simply two ounces of pure pure beeswax melted into one cup of mineral oil.. it is very easy to apply on the lathe.. just pour the mixture into a Mason Jar, put on the lid and you have your own friction polish...