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General Category => General Scroll Saw Talk => Topic started by: Lydia on May 17, 2010, 12:34:02 pm

Title: Scrap Wood?
Post by: Lydia on May 17, 2010, 12:34:02 pm
My husband laughs at me because I keep all the scrap wood that falls onto the floor.  He tells me it's too small to use.  I'm sure one day I'll find a use for it! 
How small is too small to keep?  What do I do with it?  Do I really throw it away?!?

Yes, I'm a packrat.  :)
Title: Re: Scrap Wood?
Post by: GrayBeard on May 17, 2010, 12:41:49 pm
Earrings, pendants, keychain ornaments, etc. As long as it doesn't fall thru the opening on the saw MY scrap gets saved for future use.

Title: Re: Scrap Wood?
Post by: Rapid Roger on May 17, 2010, 02:01:01 pm
And you never know when you might need a piece 1/8" x 2" for a filler strip or something.

Title: Re: Scrap Wood?
Post by: budprine on May 17, 2010, 04:13:40 pm
Someone said in another post, "If the ShopVac won't take it, its a keeper".  I agree.
Title: Re: Scrap Wood?
Post by: dunk on May 17, 2010, 04:29:19 pm
I have 4 apple boxes full of "scraps"  I find a use for them all the time..ask him if you toss out his sockets that aren't being used right now?  LOL
Title: Re: Scrap Wood?
Post by: scrollgirl on May 17, 2010, 04:40:56 pm
I read your post and wondered if I had blacked out and wrote it myself!!  We just had that discussion here a couple of weeks ago!  I used to live in the Chicago area, where stores and wood was cheap and plentiful.  Now, living here in Nova Scotia, I am three hours from Halifax and the nearest hard wood supplier (although the store is awesome!).  I only get there a couple of times a year and I drive a Ford Mustang so I usually need to get my boyfriend's dad to let us use his SUV.  At least my BF is now interested in scroll sawing and woodworking and he is even designing his own patterns (I think he got the bug!) so he has more of an understanding.  The more he does, the more he sees the 'value' in what people call 'scraps'.  He isn't totally convinced yet though, and still puts a price on each scrap ("that piece is only worth two dollars", etc.) But now he is starting to do segmentation and I noticed that he isn't throwing quite as much out. :)  In fairness to him, we do have a small place, but I look at anything larger than a match stick twice before I throw it out! ;)

"Waste not, want not!"

Title: Re: Scrap Wood?
Post by: crusty59 on May 17, 2010, 04:45:03 pm
If you start glueing them together you will have a really cool piece to work with
Title: Re: Scrap Wood?
Post by: scrollsaw on May 17, 2010, 06:33:26 pm
thanks for the info everybody
Title: Re: Scrap Wood?
Post by: Lydia on May 17, 2010, 06:51:39 pm
Thank you!!  Now I don't feel like a crazy person.  w00h00!

off topic ... I'm so excited.  I tried stack cutting for the first time today.  And it wasn't a total disaster!  I've had a productive day.  :D

You all are awesome.
Title: Re: Scrap Wood?
Post by: dgman on May 17, 2010, 11:16:32 pm
Please don't get down on me but I had to throw out two barrels full of scraps this last weekend. :-\  I just don't have room for it all!!
Title: Re: Scrap Wood?
Post by: cherie on May 18, 2010, 07:29:28 am what would we woodworkers be without those?  I like everyone's ideas here.  I do not have room for mine either, that is why it is here and there and every where.  LOL.
Title: Re: Scrap Wood?
Post by: Dawie on May 18, 2010, 08:35:28 am
I have a very small room, but try to keep as many scraps as possible. Sometimes I throw something in the wastebag and fish it out again to make sure it really is not usable anymore. At least I got my nephew to over up his broomcupboard for extra storage, he thinks I am crazy, but he at least let me use it. ::)
Title: Re: Scrap Wood?
Post by: budprine on May 18, 2010, 08:59:11 am
I store my scraps in old salt bags I get for my water softener.  The conform to odd places and are waterproof themselves.  Hey, works for me.
Title: Re: Scrap Wood?
Post by: Dustyknees on May 18, 2010, 01:18:25 pm
I keep all my scrap wood for when the grandkid comes on the weekend. We do a fire in the pit(let all the glue and paper burn off first) and do S'mores and hot dogs..She loves it,calls it camping,LOL.
Title: Re: Scrap Wood?
Post by: lwsjc on May 18, 2010, 01:46:45 pm
I don't know what you are talking about.  Scrap?   

Title: Re: Scrap Wood?
Post by: patch on May 19, 2010, 10:59:19 pm
I use other peoples scrap  it is disgusting what some people through out but I wouldn't tell them that  they might start using it

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Title: Re: Scrap Wood?
Post by: jimbo on May 19, 2010, 11:10:28 pm
It's alright to keep scraps if you can remember what you have I had box's of them and put them to one side and forgot them I have since sent them away as fire wood and have started a nother scrap heap
Good luck with your hoarding
Title: Re: Scrap Wood?
Post by: Wandascroller on May 19, 2010, 11:38:30 pm
Whow Patch wish I could get my hands on that scrap!!
Title: Re: Scrap Wood?
Post by: cherie on May 19, 2010, 11:42:20 pm
Patch, those are some pretty nice sized pieces of scrap there.  When can I get my share?
Title: Re: Scrap Wood?
Post by: patch on May 20, 2010, 05:56:55 am
Cherie Just send your private Jet over and I will fill it up for you  ;) ;D :D 
Title: Re: Scrap Wood?
Post by: patch on May 20, 2010, 06:02:41 am
Whow Patch wish I could get my hands on that scrap!!
you can Barbara  look up your local roof truss manufacture they normally will give you as much as you can carry or cabinet makers are good and kitchen makers
Title: Re: Scrap Wood?
Post by: Rightarm on May 21, 2010, 12:14:17 pm
    I got my hands on some walnut scrap somebody threw out. Made some pretty nice mini-clocks out of it. I keep my scraps until I can't sand them anymore. Dave 8)
Title: Re: Scrap Wood?
Post by: jimbo on May 22, 2010, 10:04:48 pm
Patch that is not scrap thats wood, big wood
Title: Re: Scrap Wood?
Post by: Marshall on May 22, 2010, 10:22:20 pm
Patch some nice scrap there , and you know when the scrap does get big enough we just have to start getting rid of it . Now I have been keeping a lot of scrap also > but when it starts getting to big such as real small pieces > there comes a time when we just have to get rid of it and I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.  .....Marshall
Title: Re: Scrap Wood?
Post by: Vince on June 13, 2010, 08:55:19 am
Folks: Any scrap wood in my shop turns into another project or is saw dust. Any one know how to turn saw dust back into good wood, it's getting deep in my shop. LOL

Title: Re: Scrap Wood?
Post by: sp_343 on June 13, 2010, 09:22:13 pm
I agree with Bud Prine...if it doesn't get sucked up...I toss it in a box.  I was surprised how many times I have gone to a scrap box to finish something.  I also use the "tiny" scraps for testing stains and poly finishes.
Title: Re: Scrap Wood?
Post by: Judy Hunter on June 13, 2010, 09:32:59 pm
I sort the different types of wood....birch, aspen etc. into seperate wastebaskets saying to myself, "these will be great in the deck firepit".  Course I haven't actually had the heart to burn them yet.
Title: Re: Scrap Wood?
Post by: boxmaker on June 13, 2010, 09:36:38 pm
I have a hard time throwing out wood also, I started out with one cardboard box then a plastic tote then two plastic totes, but it's worth saving. The other day I was making 3 boxes that all used the same size pieces and I went to my lumber pile and pulled out a full board but before I cut it, I thought I would check my scrap bin, and I couldn't believe it, I found enough of the size I needed to make all three boxes. Hey another great place where I get cut offs is a place where they make flooring, They are also a sawmill so I buy my lumber there, and when I go there they tell me go ahead and pick through our scrap pile if you want, and I always do.
Title: Re: Scrap Wood?
Post by: Edgar on June 19, 2010, 06:23:13 am
I do doll house furniture with my scrap wood.
Title: Re: Scrap Wood?
Post by: Russ C on June 19, 2010, 06:59:05 am
Would you consider saw dust scrap wood. That is all I throw away.
 ::)  ::)  ::)
Title: Re: Scrap Wood?
Post by: GrayBeard on June 19, 2010, 11:09:20 am
Folks: Any scrap wood in my shop turns into another project or is saw dust. Any one know how to turn saw dust back into good wood, it's getting deep in my shop. LOL


I think they call that stuff MDF!
Title: Re: Scrap Wood?
Post by: Vince on June 19, 2010, 06:56:31 pm
Greybeard: What glue do they use, I'm willing to try. The stuff is about hip deep in my shop. LOL

Title: Re: Scrap Wood?
Post by: GrayBeard on June 19, 2010, 07:12:27 pm
I'll have to ask my Chemist neighbor...I think it is a Polymer Resin.

If I don't wear my mask I cough for a couple hours after cutting the darn stuff.

It makes great bookcases!!!