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General Category => The Coffee Shop => Topic started by: Keefie on January 04, 2014, 10:02:32 am

Post by: Keefie on January 04, 2014, 10:02:32 am
There are some real idiots come to visit Cornwall. This family went to look at the big waves, they saw them crashing over the harbour wall but still walked out on it to watch the waves - whilst carrying their young baby!!!  -  Then they nearly got washed off the wall by a big wave. How stupid can some people get?

Title: Re: IDIOTS
Post by: yyyyyguy on January 04, 2014, 10:13:30 am
And if it's anything like here those people would be complaining that there should have been barricades up and if anyone was hurt the first to try and sue!!
Title: Re: IDIOTS
Post by: Billy in Va on January 04, 2014, 10:19:38 am
@Keffie   Is that Rob walking there?
@Rob     Birthday done Holidays done  you're fair game again!~
Title: Re: IDIOTS
Post by: Keefie on January 04, 2014, 10:24:55 am
Billy, I don't think even Rob is that stupid lol (well not quite anyway)
Title: Re: IDIOTS
Post by: GrayBeard on January 04, 2014, 11:33:36 am
Mother Nature has a way of cleaning out the stupidity from the gene pool...this was just a warning!

Title: Re: IDIOTS
Post by: rob roy on January 04, 2014, 06:29:55 pm
Keefie, Billy, I love boats of all shapes and sizes. But treat LADY SEA with a great of respect or she'll bite your A**, or worse. Those parents are just imbeciles, in fact they should have been arrested for endangering the child's life.
Not to mention their own. Just DUMB.
Rob Roy.
Title: Re: IDIOTS
Post by: Keefie on January 05, 2014, 04:03:47 am
Rob, it's not their lives that I worry about too much - they knew the stupidity of what they were doing (except the kids) It's the emergency services ( both men and women) who have to put their lives in danger to rescue them from the stupidity of their actions.
My full respect goes out to the men and women of all the emergency services (in whatever country they serve). When the call goes out that someone is in trouble, they respond. They don all their safety kit and set off, no matter how bad the weather they go out to rescue all that get into trouble. To these men and women - I Salute You all.

Title: Re: IDIOTS
Post by: wombatie on January 05, 2014, 04:40:38 am
The mother does not look to happy with the father.  She looks as if she wants to throw him over the wall.

Title: Re: IDIOTS
Post by: Marcellarius on January 05, 2014, 06:00:01 am
you're right. looks like idiots.
bet he says: "honey, it's only water...."
poor baby, parents play with that little life.
Title: Re: IDIOTS
Post by: Al W on January 05, 2014, 08:33:29 am
Parents such as these exist everywhere, every country, and we still send some of our fine young folks to "rescue" them from themselves.

I too offer a salute to the emergency squads out there.  Stay safe.

Title: Re: IDIOTS
Post by: yyyyyguy on January 05, 2014, 09:39:36 am
Parents such as these exist everywhere, every country, and we still send some of our fine young folks to "rescue" them from themselves.

I too offer a salute to the emergency squads out there.  Stay safe.


Like  :)
Title: Re: IDIOTS
Post by: Billy in Va on January 05, 2014, 10:06:02 am
I have to admit, I did not look very close at the picture the first time and totally missed the kids.  Rob ( or most anyone else I know would never do that).  If we were alone  and there was a bottle of fine whiskey and a bag of coins unattended- - -  well the race is on!!!!!!
Title: Re: IDIOTS
Post by: dirtrider73068 on January 05, 2014, 02:23:39 pm
I have always said when bad weather like this comes around there should fines for the emergency calls that are made for idiots like this that have to be recused, we see it all the time in the states, flood happens they tell you do not drive in flood waters, then what happens there is a rescue effort to save some stupid fool that drove into the water and got washed down stream and stuck in there car, if they would fine them heavy or pay for the efforts of there own rescue maybe some would stop and think I better not do that the last person had to pay for it.
Title: Re: IDIOTS
Post by: Billy in Va on January 05, 2014, 09:54:49 pm
The wife and I invested in a digital police scanner and it goes on before the coffee in the morning and is usually the last thing off at night.  some of the calls are just unbelievable!!!!  Many times you just know some the call was made after some redneck yelled  Hey Ya'll Watch this!. Most of the first responders around here are volunteer, and my hat goes off to them!
Title: Re: IDIOTS
Post by: Graywolf on January 06, 2014, 12:24:22 pm
Can't fix stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: IDIOTS
Post by: EIEIO on January 06, 2014, 02:15:59 pm
Did you notice there are 2 kids in the 1st photo but only one in the 2nd? Where's little boy blue?
Title: Re: IDIOTS
Post by: Billy in Va on January 06, 2014, 04:41:54 pm
I did notice, just figured he made it high and dry
Title: Re: IDIOTS
Post by: Marcellarius on January 07, 2014, 01:52:10 pm
Did you notice there are 2 kids in the 1st photo but only one in the 2nd? Where's little boy blue?

good noticed.
in the first pic, dad is holding the "girl" with the red boots, in the last mom is holding her.
let's hope the boy in blue is walking ahead.... he probably is shouting: "stupid parents!!!" ;)
Title: Re: IDIOTS
Post by: Gabby on January 08, 2014, 10:24:20 pm

I think our modern lifestyle is partly to blame.
Many folks live a fairly sheltered life and aren't aware
of how powerful mother nature really is.
In addition they aren't accustomed to thinking
what the results of their actions may entail,
which produces photos such as this.

We've all seen the stupidity of our young people
riding skateboards down handrails and the expected results,
of such folly.
Darwin's theory at work! Survival of the smartest rather than the fittest!
You puts your life on the line and takes your chances, and you will get what you deserve!