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General Category => General Scroll Saw Talk => Topic started by: Danny on June 15, 2012, 07:58:50 pm

Title: Summer Scrolling.... :+}
Post by: Danny on June 15, 2012, 07:58:50 pm
Well this year is normal.  90 degrees days and a shop outside (with NO A.C.)
Two fans going full blast.  Music blaring.  Have projects planned.  One going at this time.  Just not Convertible.  Just wondering if any of Ya's experience this?
                      Just a Thought....  Danny  :+}
Title: Re: Summer Scrolling.... :+}
Post by: dgman on June 15, 2012, 08:58:54 pm
Hey Danny, Here in So. CA. we get what is called June gloom. It's a marine layer that hangs over for most of the morning, and sometimes into the afternoon. Today I had a sweatshirt on for half the day. We don't get the humidity like you do either. But in July, August, September and October, it will get up above the hundred degree mark. My shop is in the garage without air conditioning. but like you, I'll have a fan blowing on me.
Title: Re: Summer Scrolling.... :+}
Post by: KarlB on June 15, 2012, 10:47:16 pm
Sounds like here in SW Florida.  Hot & humid!  Tough to stay on the saw when sweats dripping!  I use only one fan I put in a box from an old heater.

Title: Re: Summer Scrolling.... :+}
Post by: troy_curtis on June 16, 2012, 04:39:10 am
Ahhh if only I had those cool 90 degree days again...It has been 106 to 109 the past month. My shop is an outdoor screened in patio. My saw is on a rolling stand. I roll it out and hope for a breeze. Mostly I work in the evenings before it gets dark. But soon the daylight here will last until about 10 pm so that will give me more time to cut. The good thing is we dont have the humidity here so it works ok.
Title: Re: Summer Scrolling.... :+}
Post by: Russ C on June 16, 2012, 07:52:42 am
Really hate to brag  :( , but I don't have this problem. My shop has AC and Heat. No sweating for me!  8)
Title: Re: Summer Scrolling.... :+}
Post by: thumbs on June 16, 2012, 08:09:49 am
Gee whiz, Danny--dig your self a basement--I have 80% of my shop down in my basement--nice and  cool--Richard
Title: Re: Summer Scrolling.... :+}
Post by: Marcellarius on June 16, 2012, 10:27:31 am
not that temps over here, and I have a basement just like Richard said.
no A.C. no fan, only a heater every now and then.....  ::)
always about 57-59  but the humidity a bit high around 80%.
Title: Re: Summer Scrolling.... :+}
Post by: tvman44 on June 16, 2012, 11:39:49 am
Plenty hot & humid in South Louisiana.  Last week it was 94% humidity.
Title: Re: Summer Scrolling.... :+}
Post by: Danny on June 16, 2012, 12:05:08 pm
Well Good....Think I don't feel so bad now.  Majority are like me.  Every year I always feel so good about scrolling and get a lot accomplished, but its always bout the time the leafs start falling.  Then it only just around the bend till it gets cold.  Oh well....  Danny  :+}
Title: Re: Summer Scrolling.... :+}
Post by: Leldon on June 16, 2012, 01:39:12 pm
Hey Danny,

I used to have a shop out back when I was younger at my parents house.  It was a building that I built...I was probably 11 or 12.  So you can imagine how well it was built.  It held up nicely and I learned to scroll out there.  It got REALLY hot in the summer.  An old tin building with no insulation.  Then as I got older I got some insulation and it helped....a little...very little!  In the winter it was cold too..and the heat from the heaters escaped threw some of the "vents" from the summer...holes!  LOL.  Now I am lucky enough to have the shop in my house's basement.  It stays fairly cool down there all summer and I do have a couple fans that I use to blow the air around.  Its great being able to have all my tools so close and all I have to do is walk down a few steps to get to them!  But, I feel your pain about the heat!  Gotta love Alabama summers!  NOT!

Title: Re: Summer Scrolling.... :+}
Post by: Crabbyboater on June 16, 2012, 01:49:53 pm
Danny, my shop is my two car garage, no heat, no A/C.  So far this year we've only gotten to 70 twice here in the Seattle, WA area, and I enjoy cooler temps.  I do use a box fan to filter the air on my right side, and another fan to my left to blow the dust away from me.  It does get a mite cool at times with all that breeze, but it keeps the dust down.  I moved here from Detroit and hated the hot, humid summers and cold winters there.
Title: Re: Summer Scrolling.... :+}
Post by: Danny on June 16, 2012, 05:24:37 pm
Gee....Reading all the posts concerning using Basements I must say it makes me feel a want to sell this house and look for another ____With a Basement___
....BUT....This ones PAID FOR....SO....  Feelings are leaning towards fixing up what I have.  ....OR....Could just move to Florida....LOL....  Danny  :+}
Title: Re: Summer Scrolling.... :+}
Post by: mrsn on June 16, 2012, 08:26:08 pm
I used to have to deal with weather. My shop was out in the shed and being a little further north then danny, I had to deal with 90+ days and -10 days. ICK! Then one day my husband suggested re-organizing the basement to fit my saw down there and I will never move outside again! I love that my shop is heated and air conditioned! Now if only I would build an exahusted spray booth I could do my finishing with out having to check the weather.
Title: Re: Summer Scrolling.... :+}
Post by: MOONIE on June 16, 2012, 09:56:05 pm
Long before I got into scrolling, I partitioned off a section of my basement for a workshop.  Now I can enjoy cutting year round...  AC in summer, heated in winter.  It's great!
Title: Re: Summer Scrolling.... :+}
Post by: BilltheDiver on June 17, 2012, 04:20:59 am
Here on the west coast of Florida when we dig a basement it is called a swimming pool.  My shallow well hits water at about 14 feet down.  I insulated the ceiling of my garage shop, and am slowly doing the same to the walls so the A/C is practical.  I built a frame & plywood floor over the ancient concrete one which also helps (mostly for an even surface though).
Title: Re: Summer Scrolling.... :+}
Post by: Marcellarius on June 17, 2012, 02:21:04 pm
Gee....Reading all the posts concerning using Basements I must say it makes me feel a want to sell this house and look for another ____With a Basement___
....BUT....This ones PAID FOR....SO....  Feelings are leaning towards fixing up what I have.  ....OR....Could just move to Florida....LOL....  Danny  :+}

I know a guy  ::) who thought the same, eventually he build one under his house so he doesn't had to move....
you might ask him how he did that ;)
Title: Re: Summer Scrolling.... :+}
Post by: Danny on June 18, 2012, 11:58:58 am
He-He-He-He Marcel.  I won't let the cat out of the bag just who that guy is.  LOL  Danny  :+}
Title: Re: Summer Scrolling.... :+}
Post by: maritimer on June 19, 2012, 11:17:53 am
Here in eastern Canada (New Brunswick) our weather is getting to the 70 's and up (this week high 80's) but I'm not the heat!  Our shop is set up in the garage so on nice days we get home from work and I go to the shop and it's comfortable and usually a slight breeze blowing in.  In the winter we have a wood stove for heat and on the real cold days it takes awhile to heat it up....the garage is 26' x 42' with 16' walls so it does take awhile.  We do get a lot of humidity so once that kicks in we'll shut the shop down for the summer.  I tried to keep it open last year a little longer but everything is sticky feeling and I was afraid the boards would warp once I cut them up so I gave in.  Hubby puts a protective coating on all the tools....come Sept. I'm back out there wiping them off itching to go again! ;D
Title: Re: Summer Scrolling.... :+}
Post by: glenn wouters on June 19, 2012, 02:42:08 pm
No AC or fan in my shop.
More need for a jacket or a raincoat.
It just doesn't stop raining here in Belgium.
Anyway, i deal with it and keep on scrolling, with the door closed or it gets to chill in my shop.

You're doing a great job guys to rub it in, sun, heat, AC, Fan....

Greetings Glenn