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Messages - rlkeeney1951

Pages: [1]
The Coffee Shop / Re: printer
« on: January 31, 2023, 06:36:06 am »
Use software such as Gimp to enlarge patterns or, even better, use Inkscape. Steves patterns are in vector format, and once you load the page into Inkscape, you can set the size to whatever you like.


   NOTE:  Scroll Saw blade edges are stamped left or right, and.... This can break through the paper and damage the work piece. 
     Solution; Simply quick file the full edge of the blade to smooth using a grinder or file. 

Don't use paper for this. Use cloth-backed sanding belts.

Ask Steve a question. / Re: Copywrites and permissions
« on: August 17, 2022, 06:51:18 am »
You should probably email Steve directly with this question.

I use photos for backgrounds in some of my listings. I will not use them unless they are public domain or the license clearly states that they are free for any use with attribution not required. Usually, this is a creative commons license. When you sell online you need to be careful about this sort of thing.

Ask Steve a question. / Re: names put together like a puzzle
« on: July 20, 2022, 08:10:18 am »
Pretty much any word processor can do it. Pick your font and size and change the kerning until they touch or overlap as you desire. You don't need to draw the keys. Cut them freehand and be sure they are shaped to lock the pieces together.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Delta scroll saw
« on: January 03, 2022, 08:45:48 am »
We tend to forget that the reason people sell things is to make money.

It's crazy to me, but people equate price with quality. Thus we have the phrase "You get what you pay for."

Increasing prices will sometimes increase sales and many times sales will be reduced but profits will be higher and you have to work less.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Delta scroll saw
« on: January 02, 2022, 11:14:41 am »
Because they can.

I use software called the camelizer the track prices and notify me when they drop below a set level. Highly recommended.

Some of these things jump all over the place. I track one item that periodically drops the price for a few minutes and then raises the right back to the original price. This defeats the trackers unless the tracking is perfect and generates hits on the product page.

Pegas #3 Modified Geometry is my go-to blade for everything. I will switch if and only if I have problems using it. I have all sorts of Pegas and Flying Dutchman blades on hand.

You have to try things and see if they work for you. There are too many variables for anyone to tell you which blade is the best.

Toy Makers / Wooden Toy Car Hot Rod Freaky Ford 1932 Ford Sedan
« on: January 17, 2020, 01:45:20 pm »
Another of my hot rods. They are a bit tricky to make because of the thick wood. Pine cuts easy, but it has a tendency for the blade to surge suddenly when the blade goes from hard grain to soft.

Toy Makers / Re: Wooden Toy Car Hot Rod Freaky Ford 32 Deuce Coupe
« on: January 17, 2020, 01:39:30 pm »
My grandson has four of them. 

Toy Makers / Wooden Toy Car Hot Rod Freaky Ford 32 Deuce Coupe
« on: January 12, 2020, 05:54:24 pm »
The car is cut from a pine 2x4 and finished with amber shellac trimmed with red and black acrylic paint. These take a while to sell, but they do get sold. I have to wait for the right buyer to come along. I have different versions of my toys from Australia to Several countries in Europe.

Toy Makers / Re: Itty Bitty Model T Toy Car
« on: January 09, 2020, 10:32:30 pm »
Very nice design!

I looked at your Etsy page and you have a lot of nice work.  I like the look especially of the two tone cars. 

Maybe do a two tone car with orange on top and blue on the bottom.  ;D  (I see you are in FSU country so I had to rub it in a little.  ;) )

Well done on all of your listings.  Do you sell many?


You should be able to see the number of sales at the top of the page if you click on the number you can see the items sold. The number is misleading at best. If I sell one item to a customer, it is one sale; if I sell six different items to the same buyer in the same order or separate orders, it is six sales. If I sell 10 of the same items to the same buyer in the same order, it counts as one sale. So by Etsy's funny way of counting, I had 54 deals last year. However, the number of items sold was well over 100.

I never thought about football colors. I wonder if I can get Garnet and Gold paint. Blue and Orange shouldn't be a problem.

Toy Makers / Itty Bitty Model T Toy Car
« on: January 09, 2020, 11:29:53 am »
I don't think there are enough quality small simple toy patterns out there. I've been working on a project to make toys small enough to fit in a pocket. This is one modified from a much smaller wheelless design and resized to fit 3/4-inch wheels.

Toy Makers / Re:
« on: December 29, 2019, 09:32:16 am »
Go there and join the forum. Ask all the questions of people who build their toys.

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