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Topics - dirtrider73068

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I got mail today a offer for woodworkers journal, price is 8 bucks plus the shipping so 10 bucks for the year. I also get free 250 shop tricks, annual resource digest, included is up to 24 all new projects, illustrated step by step details, expert shop tips, tool reviews and a special router issue.

I am seriously considering this, just to have some wood working reading material to look over, I have always liked wood working but more so the older I got. I have been looking for scrollsawing magazines, but no luck, its even hard to find scroll saw pattern books to buy, I found one, but want the same ones I checked out at the library so don't have to recheck them each time I want a pattern or play scan all the pages. What other options are there for reading material, or project plans for woodworking?

The Coffee Shop / Got a couple goodies
« on: March 09, 2013, 06:32:34 pm »
I got a couple goodies, I call them goodies since will make scrolling and stuff easier, first is a new chair well new to me, its a tall office chair, sits 18 inches full extension, just the right height to sit at my saw, plus has a back and is more comfy, and I got got my feet up better and can rest my arms on the arm rest having more control and being more relaxed.

And harbor freight had a sale this weekend, got me a 18 gauge 2 n 1 nailer/stapler already tested it out, its nice be able to brad nail stuff together, thought about the 23g pin nailer but didn't know if it would be worth it.

Now just need a drill press, table saw, and belt driven compressor and will be happy for a tad bit.

Pattern Requests. / How or can I change steve's pattern
« on: February 24, 2013, 03:01:39 pm »
Hey guys and gals, I got some orders to do one of Steve's patterns, the "pray for a cure" ribbon, they want those but also to change the pray to hope so there is pray for a cure and hope for a cure. How can this be done? It needs to the exact same thing just say hope instead of pray, but will need the pray as well but can make copies of that.

Brag Forum / Some of my latest work
« on: February 20, 2013, 09:57:29 pm »
Some of my latest work a couple will be ones I had already post I did a few of steve's patterns and got a few orders in already. I have been having fun and getting better, and some things faster at cutting, and getting real good at switching holes and setting the blade.

The Coffee Shop / Won't be able to make sawdust for awhile
« on: February 18, 2013, 05:06:50 pm »
Well this is not so nice, I won't be able to do any cutting for awhile at least a few days, I cut my finger pretty bad at work with hedge clippers, got 10 stitches in it. Lucky didn't cut it off, think the gloves I had on helped a tad, they X-rayed it said might have cut or broke the bone, so am off work for couple days. Not something I had planned to do, and no it didn't have to do with my monster grinder/cutter I ditched that long ago.  :)

The Coffee Shop / Been making sawdust
« on: February 04, 2013, 09:47:48 pm »
Well the weather has been nice here, in the low 70's and upper 60's so past couple days I have been outside makeing dust and cleaning up dust, getting some projects lined up and getting others started and some finished. I love this kind of weather. I have really got hooked and sinked into this scrollsawing.

Tutorials, Techniques and Tips / Dupont Teflon No-Stick 4oz review
« on: February 01, 2013, 02:00:00 pm »
Well somebody had posted this on here, its at lowes cost 4.97 for 4oz bottle. I wanted to try it so was at lowes one day and found it. It has a teflon powder in it, so will need to shake it good before use. I had issue with my top being hard to slide or spin wood on, so just now I went out removed the table top, and sanded it down, started with 60 grit, then 80, then 120, and last 220. Just using the 60 grit made it better, but I wanted it smooth as I could get it, as there were machining marks on it. So I got it pretty smooth and shiney, cleaned it off with brake cleaner to get all the metal particles off. After that I put this no stick on it, it has a small tip that will let it drip or squirt out, put some on buff it up installed table top, and gave it a spin.

It made a HUGE difference, was alot easier to move the wood and spin it, my curves are alot better, more smooth round curves, and the dust will not stick or stay on the table top. I am going to keep this stuff and use more, and keep it on my table top, and in hopes, that it will also keep the surface rust off as well. If you are needing a cheap slick product to use on your top, give this a try it works, might also start with sanding the top down smooth and the put this no stick down. I would recommend it. Its located in the tool department, will be around the pb blaster, wd 40 and other lubricants.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Balde TPI and saw speed
« on: January 25, 2013, 08:53:28 pm »
I have found out that I can cut better with my 28t .022 blade than I can with a 11.5T .053. The 28T gets a better cut and cuts faster with about 70-80% motor speed, if I use the 11.5T I have to slow down to about 50% power. This is on 1/4 ply birch or laun. It also seems to cut more smooth with the 28T at a faster speed then going slower. Is this right the more TPI the faster the motor speed needs to be? I thought it was the other way around, more TPI slower or blade gets hot and dulls faster trying to keep the saw dust clear, and a less TPI its faster motor speed.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Tried to make angle grinder into 4 inch saw
« on: January 19, 2013, 07:06:02 pm »
Well since my hopes about the mini table saw went away I went back to harbor freight to try some things, got some small blades and a arbor to go in my dremel would work good if could turn up to full speed with out alot of vibration. So I had a 4 inch carbide saw blade, used a step bit, drilled out the center of the blade, then had to use a tapered grinding stone in my drill so it would fit the arbor on the angle grinder.

Well it all fit good, thought woohoo I am on a roll, well it works ok, but you have to pull against the spin of the blade, if not the blade grabs and jump out of the cut, plus get alot of tear out, maybe slow the speed down and tape up the cut lines might help. But over all it did work, just need to fine tune it.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Mighty Mite 4" table saw
« on: January 18, 2013, 09:58:13 pm »

Has anybody seen this or tried it? I was thinking of getting one to try and cut my wood for my patterns rather than getting a full size table saw or using my jig saw or scroll to cut out wood blanks. I would only be cutting either 1/8 or 1/4 inch wood, I think it would do it, just wish it did 45 degree cuts.

General Scroll Saw Talk / This is my scroll saw set up
« on: January 13, 2013, 05:16:22 pm »
This is my set up, just built the table today, its got a 3/4 20x27 top leaves room on the side to put stuff, tools, or whatever I need in reach, stands 33 inches tall, I put a small rug under the saw and it helps ALOT on vibration, have magnifier lamp over it, have a foot switch which has the saw, air pump and if I want my small 1 gal shop vac to switch on,  also have two work lights to the side for light as well. I did have this sitting on a folding table saw but it was a tad wobbly plus the vibrations were awful I turned the speed up too fast.

Just wished I had a better insulated garage to work in, but this works for now to enjoy a great hobby and have time to myself to relax. Does anybody else want to post pics of there set ups?

General Scroll Saw Talk / Trying to make grain of wood pop.
« on: January 05, 2013, 06:12:32 pm »
I am trying to make the grain of my wood on some pieces pop, snazzy, I took a scrap piece of laun and put some lindseed oil on it, it made it a tad darker, I got some spray lacquer to seal some pieces. What else could I use besides stain, I never was good with stain, is there a trick to it.

The Coffee Shop / Got a ticket for flipping the bird
« on: December 30, 2012, 08:24:59 pm »
Well this real nice, driving down the road I get pulled over, first think what did I do wrong was doing everything right. So once I get stopped cop walks up gives his spiel DL and Insurance card, he ask you know why I pulled you over? I said no I don't understand, he said you flipped me the bird. I thought a minute then said no, don't think so, only thing I did was when that bird hit my windshield I turned my wipers on and flipped it off the windshield.

The Coffee Shop / Darn cold weather
« on: December 24, 2012, 09:40:25 pm »
Well ain't this the jimmies, even though it Christmas eve I want to go out and cut out a couple of projects for my self, a flag and a eagle to hang up inside but its freezing, lows in the 20's got a big storm suppose to move in dump about foot of snow with a sleet mixture. I want to go out and scroll, this is addictive and lots of fun.

Tutorials, Techniques and Tips / Peeling off a glued pattern
« on: December 21, 2012, 11:20:14 pm »
I read some where that somebody does this so I tried it tonight and it works alot better.

Put down the blue painters tape on the wood first, then glue the pattern to the tape, then the clear packing tape on top of the patterns. When I got done cutting the pattern and blue painter tape peeled right off, worked PERFECT! One thing I noticed though when cutting is the blue tape tends to ball up on top, could be being its a little thicker and the sticky stuff or could have been was first time cutting with BBP I got a piece from Micheal's craft store but either way its alot better in my book. I always either don't spray enough or too much adhesive and it sticks too good or not enough in spots. Then have to use a razor blade to peel of the pattern. I love the painters tape better.

I also found I liked having the clear packing tape on top for one, it makes holding the piece easier, gives me some grip, and keeps the pattern from smearing on my hands from rotating it around the table.

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