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Messages - Jim-78028

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Ask Steve a question. / Re: newbie's starter project
« on: January 07, 2016, 03:36:44 pm »
Thanks Roger, I wonder why I never thought of gluing the piece in there - sigh.  I'll try the breathing, I really didn't pay attention to that but you are probably right.

Ask Steve a question. / newbie's starter project
« on: January 07, 2016, 06:39:25 am »
Santa brought me a scroll saw for Christmas and I got tired of cutting lines so I drew this up for her store, my first real project.  Any and all comments, criticisms, etc would be welcome.  Two layers of  1/8" plywood, different stain on each.

Looking at the silhouettes, the narrow part separating the body and arm with the purse - the one on the left survived, the one on the right broke.  How in the world do you manage to hold down slim pieces like that to avoid the saw from vibrating them and breaking them?

Do you soak or dip the finished piece in stain or do you stain it first?  I stained it first but the leaves the edges of the cutouts unstained.  Best option?

I obviously have a long way to go.  My biggest problem is focus.  When I use hand tools for furniture building, etc, I look where I want to cut, looking at the blade and line is against my habits I guess.  Any tips on re-learning that technique?


Introduce Yourself. / Re: Old Newbie
« on: January 07, 2016, 05:55:31 am »
Thanks Tony, kind of funny, I was riding back from Kentucky and was heading for Wichita Falls to see a friend before heading south and home, so I took 82, Laughed at the thought of going through Detroit, and then Paris

General Scroll Saw Talk / wax and Tension
« on: January 05, 2016, 07:05:01 am »
Ok the first couple of what will be many newbie questions.  :)

1. Wandering around the net I see some recommending that the table top that the wood rests on be waxed.  What is the consensus? and if so what wax?

2. When the saw is not being used, should the blade tension be relaxed or does it matter?


Introduce Yourself. / Re: Old Newbie
« on: January 05, 2016, 06:53:59 am »
Thanks to all for replying, I appreciate the encouraging words.

@ Julie, dang I thought I lived in a small town, I am in Kerrville

Introduce Yourself. / Old Newbie
« on: January 03, 2016, 08:14:48 am »
Santa delivered a scroll saw, the work I have seen has always fascinated me, so I guess he (she) read my mind.  I'm third generation retired Military, 1969-1989, and stubborn as hell, I work at it until I get it.  And as a warning, I am not adverse to showing my ignorance and asking questions, questions that will usually be common sense to most of ya.

My name is Jim and I am in the hill country of Texas.

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