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Topics - frankorona

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Brag Forum / vaquero
« on: May 12, 2010, 09:05:50 am »
espero les guste este trabajo

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Ask Steve a question. / to be or not to be
« on: May 08, 2010, 11:31:06 am »
Hi Steve recently encrontre this exciting art, but I do not know if I can live it, my works are not badly made, many love, but I manage to have sales which can hold me, sometimes it comes from or what the meal. "Give up this beautiful art, I have to give it more time (almost 2 years I've been working scroll saw) please give me some advice or some pre-sales strategy thank you very much

General Scroll Saw Talk / ventas
« on: May 08, 2010, 11:22:47 am »
?alguno de Ustedes tiene buenas ventas por los trabajos que realiza? ?le pagan lo justo?
Aqu? en Puebla, M?xico me cuesta mucho el vender alg?n art?culo que aunque les gusta no lo compran y eso que manejo precios bajos.
Me encanta este arte, pero podr? mantenerme gracias a ?l? o de plano tndr? que hacerlo como pasatiempo.

Do any of you have good sales for the work done? Just what do you pay?
Here in Puebla, Mexico, I find it hard to sell any item that while they like do not buy and that I drive prices down.
I love this art, but I will stay because of him? plane or I'll have to do as a hobby

General Scroll Saw Talk / remover el adhesivo
« on: May 03, 2010, 09:02:10 am »
?c?mo puedo remover el adhesivo temporar de la madera, cuando retiro el papel queda una pel?cula de pegamento, tratar de quitarla con thinner o gasolina se hace una pasta chiclosa y cuesta m?s trabajo de quitar, ni decir de las lijas, que se hechan a perder por el pegamento que se adhiere, gracias por la respuesta

Brag Forum / tequilero2
« on: May 03, 2010, 08:52:52 am »
Observ? que no subi? la imagen completa, aqu? est? la otra parte, gracias por sus comentarios

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Brag Forum / tequilero
« on: May 02, 2010, 09:57:57 am »
Un trabajo diferente para quienes gustan del tequila

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Brag Forum / Virgen de Guadalupe
« on: April 29, 2010, 09:14:20 am »
Virgen de Guadalupe calada con flores en las esquinas

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Brag Forum / Centenario Mexico
« on: April 28, 2010, 07:30:45 pm »
Increible pero cierto.
incredible but true. ;D

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Brag Forum / Emiliano Zapata
« on: April 28, 2010, 09:34:01 am »
Espero les guste este trabajo

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Introduce Yourself. / hola a todos desde Puebla, Mexico
« on: April 22, 2010, 08:34:29 pm »
Hola a todos soy de Puebla, tengo 48 a?os y me encanta hacer calados es parte de m? donde expreso mis ideas,espero que alguno de ustedes comparta mi entusiasmo y ponerse en contacto conmigo.
Gracias de antemano a los dise?os de Steve Good el cual ha sido una inspiraci?n para m?.
Todo lo he aprendido emp?ricamente y creo no soy tan malo en el scroll saw.
felicidads a todos y que disfruten de este blog as? como de este foro...saludos

Ask Steve a question. / problems with pine
« on: April 22, 2010, 08:13:32 pm »
Hi Steve, thanks for the reply, I had problems with chess 3d and some baskets that are circles that open, pine wood was very brittle and broke very difficult to work and sanding, also has what many veins makes heavy and filled with resin, therefore I hope other wood suggest it easy to work as well as economic, thanks again

Ask Steve a question. / newbie question
« on: April 20, 2010, 08:19:48 pm »
Hi Steve, I'm a rookie and I've always worked with chipboard MDFQuisiera give more quality to my work softwood what do you recommend?
pine but I have worked very hard to cut is sometimes broken and all my work is ruined, and I feel very heavy to work.
I hope your answer thank you very much.

I would also like to know how I can upload some pictures of my work to your albun do not know if uploading directly or mand?rtelas for you to choose, greetings from Puebla, Mexico.
P.D. Excuse my English but I use google translator because I do not speak the language wel ;D

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