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Topics - toller

Pages: [1]
Introduce Yourself. / Just joined the group
« on: April 10, 2017, 04:58:31 pm »

Hello people; I'm new to the forum. About me-Toller, my handle, is from having had a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, toller for short. He was a fantastic dog. Actual identity Leo Weisman from Saint Charles, Missouri.

I'm only now trying to become good at using the scroll saw though have noodled around with them for many years and owned many. I now have a Delta 20" 40-694 Variable Speed Scroll Saw. I have found it helps to be a part of a woodworking community to move forward. I joined the St. Louis Woodworker's Guild 2 years ago and learned of this forum from one of our masters in fretwork and every sanding method known to mankind. I'm at best a very experienced, knowledgeable, mediocre woodwork but that doesn't deter me. Seeing the members fretwork and pierced bowls, 3D ornaments and Intrasia have finally pulled me in.

So it is practice, practice practice; learning to follow a line and not crowd the blade, buying good blades and learning some amount of patience. As originally equipped, I didn't have any.

Glad to be able to join you
leo weisman

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