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I'm Fil (yes with an F) coming to you from Arizona  Hot and dry winters cold but I don't have to shovel it.  Very new to the Scroll saw, and learning daily.  Thank you Steve for your help in selecting a scroll saw - a Jet - it is wonderful.  Started out by making coasters and graduated to Halloween plaques, which amazed me.  The plug in of the patterns is my source and am working on 4 more.  By the way do you intend to update it with the new patterns from 2021?

Hello Fil and welcome. I'm in SE North Carolina. Been scrolling for about 8 months now and loving it. I must say you started out with a much better saw than I did. I have an inexpensive WEN. I'm limited on a lot I can do but I have made some very nice projects. I'm hoping to upgrade in the very near future.

Members on this site have a vast amount of knowledge and if you have questions they are more than willing to help. So don't be afraid to ask questions or seek advice. Also, share photos of you work so we can watch your progress and admire your talent.

Welcome to the Forum!

Just in case you're on the same path I was (for six months :P) you do NOT set the blade tension on a Jet with the big knob at the back.  That's to get the arms parallel and is a very crude tension setting.  Get it where it should be and then put a piece of tape or a paint blob on it to let you know when it creeps out of alignment.

You set the tension with the blade flip lever.  Spin it clockwise for tighter, CCW for looser.  Once you get it set you never have to fiddle with it.  Put a new blade in the lower blade clamp, then pop it into the lower holder, get the top end between the jaws and flip the lever back and you're all set!

thanks for the tips.  Thinking of adding the Pegasus chucks wounder if anyone has had experience with them?

I don't think the Jet needs them.  It's blade holding is pretty sweet.


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