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Messages - Razorburne

Pages: [1]
General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Steve Good clock question
« on: February 06, 2017, 02:59:44 pm »
Drill a 3/8" hole in the backer at the center of the clock and use a pencil or dowel to push it out when necessary.

Brilliant!  Thanks Roger!  That's a great idea 😄

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Question about backer thickness...
« on: February 05, 2017, 11:22:58 pm »
Ok thank you. That's what I thought but wanted to make sure

General Scroll Saw Talk / Steve Good clock question
« on: February 05, 2017, 08:49:35 pm »
I'm working on Steves floral clock pattern. I've done all my cuts but I'm wondering how you would access the back of the clock mechanism in order to change the time or battery once it's in place. The clock is a pressure fit and as far as I know it is supposed to be pretty snug. If I simply glue the backer on, then it can't be accessed from the back. Will it be easy enough to pull it back out from the front?  I figured the snug fit would make it difficult to pull it out from the front. Any suggestions?  This is the first clock I've ever done so I'm almost certain this question is just my inexperience and has nothing to do with Steves Palm.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Question about backer thickness...
« on: February 04, 2017, 05:00:23 pm »
Hi guys. I plan on making one of Steve's clocks (floral clock pattern). The plans have the main front piece that you scroll the floral design and cut the hole for the clock set at 3/4". And it says to use a 1/4" backer piece that I assume is simply glued to the back of the front piece. Do you see any reason why I couldn't use a 1/2" thick backer instead?

I would normally just follow plans accordingly but I'm trying to repurpose wood pieces from an old dresser drawer for someone and I've got a 3/4" hardwood front and 1/2" ply (which is lighter in color and will provide the contrast needed for the pattern to show well. I can't thickness the plywood, so I'm hoping I can simply use it instead of 1/4".

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