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Topics - Dan26

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Brag Forum / Christmas Ornament Arrived
« on: December 19, 2014, 10:59:00 am »
Thanks DW. I and my wife love them.

The Coffee Shop / The Farmer and the Kid
« on: August 31, 2014, 10:55:47 am »
A farmer pulls his John Deere tractor up to a curb and parks it. A little boy curiously asks, "Hey, mister, whatcha got in the trailer?"
The farmer says, "It a load of manure."
The boy asks, "Whatcha gonna do with it?"
The farmer answers, "I'm going to put it on my strawberries."
The boy turns up his nose and says, "My grandma puts cream and sugar on mine."

Brag Forum / Halloween Luminary
« on: August 04, 2014, 04:23:59 pm »
I just posted this to the gallery. It was fun to make and see the final project.

The Coffee Shop / Who's next...
« on: January 29, 2014, 01:56:23 pm »
I can't believe it. Well, maybe I can, but I don't like it.
Come on guys, let's scrape together $17 billion and buy it back.

The Coffee Shop / Flies
« on: December 13, 2013, 07:35:55 am »
Two flies are sitting on the wall. One fly looks at the other and says, "Hey, your man is open."

General Scroll Saw Talk / Yeehaw!
« on: November 24, 2013, 07:01:12 pm »
Received these from Marcel (Marcellarius) today. Thanks you, thank you, thank you. I'm a big fan of "nothing Christmas until after Thanksgiving" but these made my day.

The Coffee Shop / Bumper Sticker...
« on: November 15, 2013, 07:44:38 pm »
Saw on a bumper sticker..
Let's eat Grandpa!
Let's eat, Grandpa!
Punctuation - it saves lives.

Brag Forum / Made a new sign
« on: November 15, 2013, 02:51:02 pm »
Made this for the guy that gave me a bunch of cedar.

Brag Forum / Keep your stick on the ice
« on: November 03, 2013, 06:32:21 pm »
Finished Red Green today. Not a lot of cuts (I counted 100) but a couple of delicate spots. Still needs to be sanded and framed. Uses 4 FD-UR#1 blades. Took about 4 hours. I stacked 2 1/8" plys but the blade seemed pretty aggressive. Hope to make a frame this week.

Thanks for looking.

The Coffee Shop / Sorry St. Louis Fans...
« on: October 30, 2013, 09:47:47 pm » doesn't look good. Oh well, as they say in Chicago, "There's always next year."

Brag Forum / Great Horned Owl
« on: October 08, 2013, 12:53:17 pm »
I've had this wood sitting in my basement for about two years and couldn't find anything to use it for. Then I saw Jacob Fowler's pattern in the previous issue of Creative Woodworks and Crafts. The wood is soft maple and is 26" tall and 13" wide. There are 127 cuts in the big pattern and 18 in the smaller one at the top. The part at the top was my wife's idea. (I knew I kept her around for something.) Black photo matting on the back and four coats of satin lacquer.  C & C welcome.

Brag Forum / Bookmarks
« on: August 25, 2013, 12:31:11 pm »
Here's some bookmarks I did for craft shows this year. They are 1/32" Baltic birch ply stacked 10 at a time. Thanks for looking.

Brag Forum / Teacher's Cross
« on: August 23, 2013, 03:55:18 pm »
A friend of mine, that I and he went to different high schools together, gave me a bunch of cedar boards. In return, I asked him what he wanted and he said a cross to hang on the wall at work. He is a teacher so I went straight to Sue May's sight and bought the pattern. It was tough to find a piece of cedar without knots as I didn't want to detract from the design. I think it came out pretty good. The backer is 1/4" plywood with ebony stain. Finished with 3 coats of Deft satin lacquer.

The Coffee Shop / Double Positives?
« on: August 13, 2013, 10:40:17 am »
A professor was giving a lecture on the use of languages. He said, "All languages have positive words and phrases and negative words and phrases. In the U.S., if you use two negatives, or a double negative, it generally makes a statement positive. But no language has a group of positive words or phrases that have a negative meaning."

A young man in the back of the class then mutters, "Yeah, right!"

The Coffee Shop / Civil War Reenactment
« on: August 13, 2013, 10:31:13 am »
My wife and I went to a Civil War reenactment. It was pretty cool to see all the soldiers dressed in period clothes, all the horses, guns and cannons. As the men moved into position you could hear cannons in the background. The intensity was building. The general said a few words, then, a soldier came running over and said , "Rebels. I see Rebels coming at us." The general shouted, "Fire at will!"

That's when I saw the little, 8-year-old boy next to me start crying something fierce. I turned and said, "A little too much for him, huh?"

His dad replied, "His name is Will."

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