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Topics - Cashew

Pages: [1]
Brag Forum / Flower Bowl completed
« on: May 28, 2020, 07:35:53 pm »
Finished with Teak oil then satin poly -- will probably use beeswax later to polish.  I left it a bit rough because it's getting really thin in spots (singing to me again).  I even had to patch a sanding hole but I doubt you can even find it --  even in person it's hard to see.

Brag Forum / Flower bowl Redux
« on: May 26, 2020, 12:29:02 pm »
I'm re-doing the little flower bowl in a larger size and this time I took some progress pics that may help you see the method I came up with. In the first pic I've already done the outside cut at 40 degrees angled outward and set up for the next cut - this time at 35 degrees inward on the same line. The second pic shows that cut complete. From there I dropped the angle by 5 degrees per cut -- starting at the beginning it's 40 - 35 - 30 - 25 - 20 - then 15 for the final cut (the base). You do have to adjust the cut lines as you go inward or you won't end up with enough glue surface --each layer needed re-drawn as I went -- I feel like there may be a smoother way to do it but I haven't found it yet (maybe reverse the cut order and start at the base?). Also sanding the sides can be scary as some of the wall areas are thinner than I'd like because of the angle changes - especially in the 5 corners -- In these pics nothing is glued to together yet -- it would almost look cool to leave the outside like this and just smooth out the inside but we'll see next time.You can see more pics on my instagram page @boldheartcustomcreations-  they just won't fit here with the limits on size

Brag Forum / Rectangular bowl
« on: May 24, 2020, 09:35:27 pm »
While working the large flower bowl I decided to go for a rectangle -- my take on a bread bowl of sorts.  I think it came out pretty sweet!!  4/4 Black Limba (love this stuff) cut with a #9 modified geometry - 30 degree angle on this one.  These are a bit more difficult than the ovals were - mostly in sanding those inside corners.  Also they are actually thicker in the walls than the shape of the top suggests

Brag Forum / Experimental bowl completed
« on: May 19, 2020, 07:13:16 pm »
Here's the completion of that experiment -- I did some more shaping with the Dremel and then applied Danish oil. I did end up with a crack in this one because when I went to glue the base on it slid sideways but i didn't catch it for about an hour. I separated it again (cracking it) and re-glued. I'll be trying it again shortly , only larger.

Brag Forum / An experimental bowl cutting
« on: May 16, 2020, 02:20:43 pm »
A little experiment I'm trying with my scroll saw -- a flower cut like a bowl -- still have some kinks  and angles to work out -This is mostly freeform cutting based on an actual flower -- it's not something I've seen anybody try quite like this but I could have missed it somewhere -I think I may have to go bigger to make it work as an actual bowl  - more shaping with the dremel to do also

Brag Forum / Finally finished cutting -- but more to do
« on: May 10, 2020, 09:44:25 pm »
Finally!! Only 30 hours into it - still working out what else I'm going to do with it
3/8 Baltic birch cut with #1 modified geometry blade
The lines average between a 32nd and a sixteenth

Brag Forum / Mega sized segmentation project
« on: May 07, 2020, 09:41:04 pm »
Finally my Mega sized beast has hit the road to its new home. It's just over 30 x 42 inches before the framing. The letters are 3 inches tall and the centerpiece is 25 x 15 inches. All but the frame is Baltic Birch plywood in 3/4 for the orange borders along with the centerpiece and 3/8 and 1/4 most everywhere else. The centerpiece was segmented and shaped with a Dremel. Big Thank you to Col Pilgrim for being my second eyes and wonderfully brutal critic on the centerpiece.

Brag Forum / First completed bowl
« on: May 04, 2020, 10:19:40 pm »
This is my first completed bowl (I'm working another but it still needs work - experimental idea).  The wood is 3/4 Black Limba.  It screamed "Take Me" when I saw it at the store so I did. I also did a serving tray from that same piece of wood.  The bowl is 15 inches long by 12 wide and the tray is 24 by 15.  The tray is also my first angle cut

Introduce Yourself. / New guy from Arizona
« on: April 30, 2020, 10:56:25 pm »
I'm fairly new to woodworking of any kind (Just over 2 years) -- And then was gifted a Ryobi a year ago.  I have since moved up to a Pegas and Love it.  Before this I was a plumber for 30 years.  I am Sooo glad I found this hobby/gift/talent etc.  Only wish I had found it sooner sometimes  -- others I'm happy it was now.  In the pic is actually my first angle cut.  I fell in love with this wood at first sight - Black Limba

Brag Forum / One of my latest pieces
« on: April 30, 2020, 09:14:04 pm »
I'm new here - first post  -- This is all Baltic Birch cut with a #1 modified geometry Pegas blade on a Pegas scroll saw
From the ground up --There is a 1/4 backer with 3/4 added for a border (the blue)- then white letters are cut in 3/8 -- the black letters in 1/4 -- the gray and white border on the triangle is one layer 1/4 (gray 1/4 across) and one of 1/4 on top (white 1/8 across centered on the gray.
The eagle is 1/2 mounted on a 1/8 backer mounted on the large backer of 1/8 after shaping with a dremel

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