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Topics - BilltheDiver

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The Coffee Shop / Not to be redundant
« on: December 31, 2011, 09:24:43 pm »
But Happy New Year everybody!

Brag Forum / 3 days of Christmas
« on: December 10, 2011, 01:10:39 pm »
Here are 3 ornaments I cut from Sheila Landry's 12 days of Christmas series for a friend.  The Partridge is lacewood, the turtledoves are purpleheart and the French hen is 100 year old barn wood from Indiana.  

Great patterns Sheila!  Thanks.

Swap Shop / 788 stand on sale @ service center
« on: December 06, 2011, 04:14:05 pm »
I was at the Dewalt/PC/Delta service center in Tampa today, and they had the stand for the 788 on sale at $39.  Just thought I'd post it here in case anybody needs one.

The Coffee Shop / Snotty receptionist
« on: October 21, 2011, 12:14:26 am »
Snotty  Receptionist

Yesterday  I had an appointment to see the urologist for a prostate exam.
Of course I was a  bit on edge because all my friends have either gone under
the knife or had those  pellets implanted .......

The waiting room was filled with patients.

As I approached  the receptionist's desk, I noticed that the receptionist
was a large unfriendly  woman who looked like a Sumo wrestler. I gave her my

In a very  loud voice, the receptionist said, "YES,  I HAVE YOUR NAME HERE;

All  the patients in the waiting room snapped their heads around to look at
me, a now  very embarrassed man. But as usual, I recovered quickly, and in
an equally loud  voice replied,


The  room erupted in applause!


The Coffee Shop / Ornament exchange
« on: October 20, 2011, 09:28:47 am »
I posted this on the 2011 Ornament Exchange topic, but I thought it might not be seen there, so I am reposting here.

I can't believe it!  I already received my ornaments today all the way from New Zealand from Jimbo.  You must have really gotten an early start Jimbo.  I haven't even picked my design yet.  Jimbo sent me two beautiful ornaments, one of which is from an indigenous wood, and even sent me a pen he turned and a set of three blanks of recycled Rimu wood.  I guarantee you won't find that in a shop in Florida Jimbo.  My wife & I don't set out a big tree any longer, and she wants to start a tradition of setting out a small one decorated with scrolled ornaments from my friends here on the forum.

Thanks, Jimbo!  and thanks to Russ for organizing this celebration again.

Toy Makers / Rocking horses for cancer
« on: October 07, 2011, 02:55:57 pm »
I originally posted this in the General Scrollsaw section, but maybe it belongs in this section:

Hey guys & gals---This isn't about scrolling, but I thought some might be interested.  There is a well known woodworking blogger named Mark Spagnuolo (sp) or otherwise as "The Wood Whisperer" at  He is a great guy with a lot to offer.

He has teamed up with some of his sponsors and made plans available for a simple rocking horse (plans from wood magazine free).  For anyone who produces a rocking horse and sends him a picture, money will be donated to Woodworkers Fighting Cancer for the Livestrong foundation.  the goal is to make them a $10,000 donation.

He posted a video of the first part of his build, and more are to come.

I intend to build one and enter the fray, & my wife is going to raffle off the project at her office so we can donate the proceeds from the sale as well.

Check it out and see if you wouldn't like to join in!

Here is a link to a page about the Project and Woodworkers Fighting Cancer:

The Coffee Shop / vacation, what a week!
« on: September 24, 2011, 11:58:29 pm »
My wife & I took this week off from work.  I'll go back to work on monday so I can rest up!  My shop is an old detached garage built around 1940.  Inside dimensions are only 10'7" by 17'.  I have it stuffed with far too many large tools including a unisaw with side table, bandsaw, radial arm saw, Hawk scrollsaw, 15 inch powermatic planer, stationery sander, 16-32 drum sander, drill press, lathe, air compressor, and more power handtools than I can recall.  Classic case of 10 lbs of mud in a 5 lb bag.  The floor was originally concrete, but has buckled and caved in areas.  In order to use these tools, almost all are on mobile bases, but that doesn't work too well on a cracked up floor.  This week I laid out a floating 2x6 frame on 12" centers (flatside down) and topped it with a 3/4 t&g plywood floor.  Next I tore out the old lumber storage racks, which were way too low, hung new ceiling joists, insulated to R-30 and put in a drywall ceiling.  Then I added new lumber storage racks at a proper height.  Some friends came over last saturday to help me haul the tools out and put them on my deck, and the same guys returned today to help me put them back in place.  What a difference!  Now as time goes by I intend to insulate the walls and sheetrock them as well.  My old windowbanger a/c is acutally almost sufficient now.  When the walls are done it may be more than adequate. I am happy but bushed.  Thank God I was able to hire a teenage neighbor to help with the muscle work.  He said he learned more in a few days working with me than all year in a shop class building a chicken coop!  Good Kid.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Hero
« on: September 16, 2011, 10:36:27 am »
Ok, if my calculations are correct, this posting should put me into the hero category like so many others of you.  And it only took me a year and 5 months to get there.  Guess I read a whole lot more than I post.

I really appreciate this forum and all you good people out there who share a love for our hobby!

The Coffee Shop / Halloween joke
« on: September 09, 2011, 12:43:49 am »
All these Halloween pattern postings reminded me of my favorite Halloween joke:

Know why witches don't wear underwear?

Gives them a better grip on the broom. :o

The Coffee Shop / I can relate to that!
« on: August 19, 2011, 10:24:49 am »
I heard a line on a sit-com last night that I could relate to.  It was kinda like one of those personal rainclouds from the funny papers that hangs over somebody's head.  "I just realized that I am too old to die young!"

Then again, if I can live to be 102 that means I'm only middle-aged! 

Maybe that would make a good scrolled sign!

Brag Forum / manatee puzzle request filled
« on: July 20, 2011, 12:52:45 am »
A short while back I asked if anyone had a pattern for a manatee puzzle I could use to fill a request for a friend.  shutterbugdm was kind enough to send me a pattern of a compound cut manatee.  I used that one as a rough guide, made the compound cut on the bandsaw, and then added the puzzle cuts on the scrollsaw.  It turned out not too bad at all.  I made it from a leg  of a discarded coffee table someone gave me.

General Scroll Saw Talk / online scrollsaw class
« on: July 15, 2011, 01:16:47 pm »
I hope this is an appropriate post.  Sheila Landry (Scrollgirl) is hosting a free online scrollsawing class over at  You never know too much to learn something new, so I am listening in.

Brag Forum / Dolphin Puzzle in Monkeypod wood
« on: July 14, 2011, 12:21:11 am »
I cut this puzzle tonight out of monkeypod wood.  It is extremely lightweight, almost like balsa.  It grows here locally and this tree was destined for the brush site if not for a local company who intercedes and takes hardwood trees and mills them locally.  There is a lot of hardwood in Pinellas county Florida and this is a great service to the woodworkers of the area!

Pattern Requests. / looking for a manatee
« on: July 02, 2011, 02:06:39 am »
I do a lot of animal puzzles and a friend has requested one of a manatee.  Anybody have one to share or want to tackle the task?  Thanks in advance!

Brag Forum / scroll inlaid jewelry box lid
« on: June 19, 2011, 07:06:15 pm »
Here are a few pictures of a purpleheart and maple jewelry box I made for my wife.  This was my first real attempt at inlaying a monogram with the scrollsaw and then inlaying the purpleheart oval into the maple lid with a router inlay kit.  There are 45 compartments for earings in the top, and each drawer is segmented as she desired.  Overall the box is about 22 inches wide.

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