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Topics - sgood

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Bulletins and News / The Coffee Shop forum
« on: March 26, 2013, 10:57:23 am »
The coffee shop forum is for topics not related to our hobby. Occasionally a topic comes up that may be controversial. We are much more lenient of what is allowed in this category as compared to the other areas of the Community forum. When you enter the Coffee Shop forum understand that you may see content that you disagree with. Russ and myself will monitor the forums and use our judgement as to when a topic needs to be shut down. You may not always agree so understand this when you enter the Coffee Shop.

Bulletins and News / Forum down 3/16/13
« on: March 16, 2013, 11:41:04 pm »
Well it was a long day trying to get the Community Forum repaired. I spent several hours working on it with no luck. I decide to restore from an older backup. Believe it or not this takes hours to upload. Still had trouble after the restore but I believe it is back to normal now.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Happy Thanksgiving
« on: November 24, 2011, 09:02:20 am »
I hope all of you in the US have a wonderful thanksgiving. Everyone be safe.

Bulletins and News / New Gallery in BETA
« on: June 17, 2011, 04:20:01 pm »
If you look at the menu at the top of the forum you will notice a new item. I added a Picture Gallery for you to upload projects and mug shots. This is in early testing so don't get too crazy with it yet as it might go up and down until I get any kinks worked out.

When you add a picture you will be given a direct link to the file so you can embed the picture in your messages. I ask that you use this link only for messages posted on this forum please.

Anyone who would like to help me test the gallery please upload a few pictures and see if the linking works. Let me know of any issues you have. Thanks.

The current size limitation is 640 x 640. That should be plenty big enough to allow for good viewing of your projects.

Bulletins and News / Latest spam attack
« on: June 17, 2011, 01:47:29 am »
Sorry about the Russian spam attack today. I think I have them deleted. If you see anymore please report them and I'll zap them ASAP. Try not to comment in the spam topic. It just makes it take longer to delete. Just report and move on. Thanks

Introduce Yourself. / New Members
« on: March 09, 2011, 10:59:17 pm »
We have had 49 new members join the forum so far this month. I see that several of you have posted already and are off to a good start. If this is your first experience using an online forum don't hesitate to ask for help. No question is silly, well maybe a few are silly but who cares we are all friends here.

Jump in and try things out. You won't break anything unless you hit the "Any" key which will wipe out the database and collapse the internet. Don't worry though because I have the internet backed up on my local hard drive.

There are not many rules here except to watch out for GrayBeard. He's a little scary but the doctors allow him out two days a week now.

Russ is my hugely under paid moderator here. He keeps watch over things and relentlessly bans the spammers(bad guys) to keep them from spoiling the family fun. He accepts tips preferably in small denomination unmarked bills.

There are craftsmen and women here from all levels of the craft. When you see the beautiful cuttings by Mrsn, Cherie, Merlin and others or the incredible intarsia by Intarsia92 don't be intimidated. They started just like you. Except for Intarsia92 who came out of the womb making beautiful intarsia. We also have some great pattern designers here like grandpa who helps more scrollers than Tylenol. Sheila Landry who is one of the top five pattern designers in the world today and yes I'm jealous. We even have a few readers that don't even have a scroll saw yet. They just enjoy learning while they wait to buy a saw. A couple of them are here looking to pick up women but I happen to know they are broke so don't waste your time ladies.

Glad to have all of you with us here and I hope you enjoy the forum and make a few new friends while you are at it. If you have friends that you think would enjoy the hobby send them our way and we will do our best to get them addicted to saw dust just like us.

The Coffee Shop / We survived!
« on: March 09, 2011, 07:46:05 pm »

1930's, 40's, 50's, 60's and 70's!!

First, we survived being born to mothers
Who smoked and/or drank while they were

They took aspirin, ate blue cheese dressing,
Tuna from a can and didn't get tested for diabetes..

Then after that trauma, we were put to sleep on our tummies in baby cribs covered with bright colored lead-base paints.

We had no childproof lids on medicine bottles,
Locks on doors or cabinets and when we rode
Our bikes, we had baseball caps not helmets on our heads.

As infants & children,
We would ride in cars with no car seats,
No booster seats, no seat belts, no air bags, bald tires and sometimes no brakes.

Riding in the back of a pick-up truck on a warm day
Was always a special treat.

We drank water
From the garden hose and not from a bottle.

We shared one soft drink with four friends,
From one bottle and no one actually died from this.

We ate cupcakes, white bread, real butter and bacon.
We drank Kool-Aid made with real white sugar.
And, we weren't overweight.

Because we were
Always outside playing...that's why!

We would leave home in the morning and play all day,
As long as we were back when the
Streetlights came on.

No one was able
To reach us all day. And, we were O.K.

We would spend hours building our go-carts out of scraps
And then ride them down the hill, only to find out
We forgot the brakes. After running into the bushes
a few times, we learned to solve the problem.
We did not have Playstations, Nintendo's and X-boxes.
There were no video games, no 150 channels on cable,
No video movies or DVD's, no surround-sound or CD's,
No cell phones,
No personal computers, no Internet and no chat rooms.
And we went outside and found them!

We fell out of trees, got cut, broke bones and teeth
And there were no lawsuits from these accidents.

We ate worms and mud pies made from dirt,
And the worms did not live in us

We were given BB guns for our 10th birthdays,
Made up games with sticks and tennis balls and,
Although we were told it would happen,
We did not put out very many eyes..

We rode bikes or walked to a friend's house and
Knocked on the door or rang the bell, or just
Walked in and talked to them.

Little League had tryouts and not everyone made the team.
Those who didn't had to learn to deal
With disappointment.
Imagine that!!

The idea of a parent bailing us out if we broke the law
Was unheard of.
They actually sided with the law!

These generations have produced some of the best
Risk-takers, problem solvers and inventors ever.

The past 50 years
Have been an explosion of innovation and new ideas.
We had freedom, failure, success and responsibility,
and we learned how to deal with it all.

If YOU are one of them?
You might want to share this with others
who have had the luck to grow up as kids, before the
lawyers and the government regulated so much of our lives
for our own good.

While you are at it, forward it to your kids so they will know
how brave and lucky their parents were.

Kind of makes you want to run through the house
with scissors, doesn't it ?

Bulletins and News / Please read.
« on: February 24, 2011, 12:14:03 am »
Running an online forum is very challenging these days because the spammers are always knocking at the door. Russ and I are doing everything possible to keep them out. Unfortunately they can be tricky scum. Sometimes they can get through our defenses. I want to let you all know that I value the family friendly environment you guys have built here with all your sharing and caring attitudes. I guarantee I will do as much as I possibly can to keep the bad guys out.

I do think it's only fair to everyone to say that any online forum is subjected to these attacks. It is possible that an inappropriate message will get posted. I am truly sorry when it happens but use this and any forum with the understanding that the risk is there. Do your part to keep your computer updated and protected against attack also.

Luckily this forum software is pretty robust with decent security features. So far the security penetrations have been few and far between. We did have one today but my hero Russ was on his toes and banned the low life scum faster than a speeding bullet. If any of you saw the inappropriate post before it was removed I am sorry. I'll say it again. Russ you are the man. It takes a special person to volunteer time to help me keep this going. Without you it would be very hard to do. Thanks friend.   

General Scroll Saw Talk / Changes?
« on: February 14, 2011, 01:58:47 am »
Because of the recent Image Shack malware problem I am considering removing the ability to link to outside images. This would leave the option of uploading the images to this server as the only means of sharing pictures. This has the downside of having to understand how to format the picture to the specs for this forum.

I need your input. It will never be possible to completely protect you from the possibility of getting hit by malware but I want to do all I can to help. Give me your thoughts. Do I remove the ability to embed outside images and make things more difficult but maybe safer? Do I let the embed code remain and just post a warning that clicking outside links can be dangerous?

Bulletins and News / New user registration process.
« on: December 13, 2010, 12:52:42 am »
I have installed a mod to the forum that is suppose to automate the prevention of spammers registering. We have done this manually in the past and it has caused several problems. I need a favor form all of you. Until I know how well this new mod works could you please keep an eye out for any spam messages and report them to me. If you suspect a link in a post is spam don't click it. Just report it to me and ill check it out. The new mod uses the same technique we have used to manually keep the spammers out it is just now automated. Hopefully this will stop our accidentally rejecting legitimate users and just keep the bad guys away.

Bulletins and News / Correction.
« on: October 08, 2010, 08:42:16 pm »
In my earlier forum announcement about uploading patterns to the Community Forum I set the message to go out as an announcement to all members. As a result it appears that the announcement was directed to the recipient. It was meant to be a forum wide announcement and not directed to an individual. Please forgive my poor handling of the announcement. I just wanted to get the word out so everyone knows how important it is. I will not do another email announcement in the future because they are confusing. I did not realize it would be emailed out. Sorry for my ignorance of the system.

Bulletins and News / Pattern Uploads. Must Read.
« on: October 08, 2010, 05:31:48 pm »
Absolutely under no circumstances can you upload a pattern that you do not own the rights to.  It does not matter if it is a free pattern from another site. Do not upload it. If you want to tell the members of the forum where they can find the pattern that's fine. If you created the pattern make sure you are not violating any trademark or copyrights. For example, uploading a pattern of the Harley Davidson emblem is a no-no. Disney characters, school mascots etc... are all on the forbidden list.

This is a very serious matter for me. I am the one that has to answer the Cease and Desist letter from the lawyer. They go something like this.

Dear Mr Good, it has come to my clients attention that your web site is in violation of his copyrighted material. We demand that you discontinue any further use of this material and submit back to us the number of times it was viewed so we can calculate our financial damages. To save all parties the time and cost associated with legal action we expect an immediate reply. 

I have seen these letters twice. Both times they were because of an unintentional mistake and fortunately the people on the other end were easy to work with and all went well. They could have worked out much worse.

I know none of you do these things intentionally but I have to let everyone know what the rules are.

Remember "The beatings will continue until morale improves."

General Scroll Saw Talk / Long hand frame fret saw?
« on: September 12, 2010, 06:52:06 am »
I have a reader looking for a hand frame that is longer than the standard 12 inches. I have checked my sources and can't find one. I know the exist so does anyone know where he can find one?

Bulletins and News / Forum Speed Issues.
« on: August 14, 2010, 01:04:22 pm »
I have been working with my hosting provider to improve the speed issues with this forum. Unfortunately the results have been marginal at best. The problem is simply a matter of bandwidth from the shared server my site is hosted on. The solution is also simple. Buy dedicated server space. The bad news is that is very expensive.

Because I only pay for shared server space that means other sites are hosted there also. If the combined traffic from all these site gets to high then speed suffers. My site is one of the heavy traffic sites on that server so it looks like we get throttled first. That's fair because it is shared space and the other sites should not have to suffer. It's a money thing.

I will make some decisions on how to handle the problem pretty soon. The only things hosted on that server are this forum, the photo gallery and the scroll saw patterns for download. The main blog is hosted with Google and is not affected.

Sorry about the problems.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Forum Speed Issues.
« on: August 04, 2010, 02:47:21 am »
I have not done a very good job keeping up with the day to day posting on the forum. It seems there are several messages lately about the forum being slow. I just optimized the logs for better performance. Hopefully this will help improve things. It might also have been a server issue. I'm looking into that also. Thanks for being so patient. If you could reply here if you are still having issues. Thanks.

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