Author Topic: Steve's pattern June 11 - safety suggestion  (Read 1482 times)

Offline jscott2

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Steve's pattern June 11 - safety suggestion
« on: June 11, 2017, 09:45:09 am »
Steve's pattern had an excellent safety suggestion about resawing on the table saw, one that I hadn't thought of.

He warned that, when you have to flip the board make the second cut, you should put a shim on the kerf to prevent  kick-back.  Makes sense - I've done this without the shim but will not do it anymore.

Thanks Steve.
Using a Delta 40-690 in the Montreal, Quebec (Canada) area

Offline dirtrider73068

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Re: Steve's pattern June 11 - safety suggestion
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2017, 10:58:07 pm »
Actually when doing any sawing on a table saw you should have a riving knife installed, not just for resawing. I have seen and had it happen if doing any crosscutting or rip cutting releases tension on the wood fibers and have had boards bow and twist while cutting and pinch the blade.

A youtuber named Make something showed this on a project he ripped a board on his table saw and it bowed pinching the blade, even showed it in slow motion, luckly it didn't kickback.


