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Topics - troy_curtis

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General Scroll Saw Talk / Stack cutting redemption
« on: December 17, 2012, 01:06:37 am »
Well, I went to the store, bought some more BB and taped it together. Put the pattern on and starting cutting. For some odd reason my blades kept coming out of my stupid holders. After about half an hour of not so much fun and not such a nice language about how my stupid @$%& blades needed to stay in the %$#@ holder. Then after a lot of praying for forgiveness I managed to get things started. Just like last time all the holes in my snow flake came out perfect. Well, by that time I was pretty happy that my blades were working right. SO with one more prayer for forgiveness and a prayer that I just needed to get the project done nice, I started cutting the outer shape. I took the advice of many a good friend on here and cut a pilot hole close to the project. By doing this I was able to cut the entire snowflake and not have the wood slip. The project turned out good and I have it packed ready for my friend's children to paint. Thanks for the help and advice to all who offered it.

General Scroll Saw Talk / stack cutting gone bad
« on: December 13, 2012, 09:55:41 pm »
I tried my hand at my first stack cutting project. I was making 5 snow flakes. Well this project was going so wonderful. I had all the internal cuts done and looking good. I was about halfway done cutting the outer shape and the wood slipped coming unaligned. It ruined the whole project. An hour of cutting wasted. I was so sad with this. I guess I should have stopped cutting and re-taped the area I had already cut.

93 It is a flash mob singing Christmas songs at a mall. Last year I saw one in a food court singing Hallelujah  Choir.  This one in my opinion is even better. Enjoy the video.

Intarsia / Moose Ornament
« on: December 09, 2012, 08:09:10 pm »
Well, I am not the best at intarsia, but for my 2nd project of this nature I think this turned out ok. I painted the hat other than that the colors are natural wood. I wish I had a better camera than my phone camera. Oh well, I think you all will have an idea of what it looks like.

Intarsia / The Color Red in an intarsia
« on: December 09, 2012, 12:10:03 pm »
I am thinking about making an intarsia piece from the Holiday Ornaments edition of Scroll Saw Magazine. They have the pieces with red santa hats. The problem is I am not sure what wood would best be used to get a red color. Or, should I use a light color wood and stain it red somehow? Any suggestions?

Brag Forum / My First Door Harp
« on: December 08, 2012, 05:15:54 pm »
I had seen a door harp on a customer's door a few months ago. I didn't know what it was so I posted a picture of their door harp on here. Someone on here knew what it was. So I researched where to get the parts for making one. I drew up the plan for making this one and made it. This is for my mom and step dad for Christmas.

The Coffee Shop / Santa died in 1930
« on: December 03, 2012, 09:07:56 pm »
In case you are unaware of it, Santa died in 1930 in Mesa, Arizona. I know many of you are aware of the famous editorial, "Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Clause," but are you aware of the Mesa Tribune editor who actually killed Santa Clause. This is an almost forgotten, sad part of Arizona history. It is also a true story.

In 1930, Mesa was a little town. In order to get more people from other parts of Arizona to come to Mesa for their parade (and to get them to spend more on tourism) a Mesa Tribune editor named John McPhee, decided he would have a parachuting Santa. He advertised that for their pre-Christmas parade they would have Santa jump from a plane, parachute down, and then join the parade in a vehicle. The plan was flawless. He hired a man to do the job. The problem is, the man who was hired to be the parachuting Santa was a bit of a drinker. He had a few too many and was unable to make it. Not to be daunted by this, Mr. McPhee came to a quick decision. He would have a Santa dummy thrown from the plane with a shoot rigged to open. As soon as it landed it would be hidden, and he would emerge as the Santa. Good idea John McPhee! What a hero he would be....or would have been if the shoot had opened as planned. Unfortunately the shoot failed to open and all the men, women, and children watched in horror as Santa fell from the plane...and died on impact.

So now you know the story of how Santa died. It is sad and tragic, but a story worth telling none the less. A true part of Arizona history.

The Coffee Shop / The World Just Got Smaller Today
« on: November 26, 2012, 04:11:59 pm »
The world just got smaller today as I stopped at my house for lunch. The mail had come and in the box was a package for me all the way from New Zealand. I got my ornament from Jimbo (Jim Pardoe). It is a beautiful bell and will look great on my tree. Along with this ornament he sent a letter with explanation as to the type of wood used. He also sent 2 blanks made of wood indigenous to New Zealand. This is a nice gift. The ornament is made of New Zealand Kurai which is a protected wood and hard to come by. The blanks are a kind of wood called Matai. It is a beautiful wood and finishes nice. Thanks for the beautiful gifts Jimbo. =)

Brag Forum / My Snowflake Collection
« on: November 19, 2012, 10:45:03 pm »
Ok, I have finally managed to get all six of my flake designs onto wood and painted. This is the first time I have made any of my flakes as an ornament other than one that I painted onto a plate. I started by cutting these as paper snowflakes. Then I put them on my computer and printed them out as a pattern. Now they are all finished and ready for our tree on Friday.

I plan to make some extra for my family and some for a few friends. Overall, I am pretty happy with them as simple as they might be.  :) <-------Me being happy.

The Coffee Shop / Kind of a fun thing that may be useful for some of you.
« on: November 19, 2012, 07:12:41 pm »
I saw this idea on FB and thought I'd pass it on here.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Broken beyond repair
« on: November 18, 2012, 06:23:17 pm »
I tried my first compound cut today. Got it all done with a lot of patience and prayer. Made an ornament. Well, It needed a bit of sanding, but looked good otherwise. Well the heartbreak happened when it slipped out of my hands and got a bit broken on my sander. Was so happy with it, but guess that is just another lesson on cutting. =(

Brag Forum / Angel Snowflake
« on: November 18, 2012, 02:56:18 am »
My wife, Sherry, and I worked on a 2nd project today. This is another snowflake I cut from paper and made into a wooden ornament.

Brag Forum / Snowflake Ornament
« on: November 17, 2012, 09:15:28 pm »
For about 24 years I have been making things with paper. I am somewhat an origami enthusiast. I also cut some pretty decorative snowflakes. This year I decided to cut some flakes a bit smaller than normal and make them into ornament patterns. This one is one that was designed by me and cut out with the help of my wife, Sherry. We had a great time making it together.

The Coffee Shop / A joint effort
« on: November 17, 2012, 03:09:34 pm »
My wife and I were discussing the Christmas gifts for the year. I was happy we could save some money by making some nice gifts for friends and family. She was sad because she felt like the gifts were just from me and not her because I am the one making them. So this week I got the idea to have her come out and work with me in the shop. I will set things up and we will take turns cutting some of the designs on the projects. We are headed out to the shop in about an hour or so. She actually seemed pretty happy to join me in this.

Ok, I have added some pictures of my wife, Sherry, working on my saw. We worked this project together. The interesting thing is we started on this project and my saw broke. We had to go get it replaced (good thing I had a warranty). An hour later we were back to work. She had so much fun with this.

The snowflake is a pattern I made from hand cutting a snowflake.

The Coffee Shop / I hate it when...
« on: November 17, 2012, 12:52:21 pm »
I hate it when you complement someone on their mustache and suddenly she isn't your friend any more.

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