Author Topic: Login issues  (Read 2487 times)

Offline sgood

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Login issues
« on: January 02, 2014, 11:18:49 pm »
The login issue has shown up again. If you tried to login to the forum earlier today you may have been shown as banned. This is a bug in the forum software and nothing you have done. I know how to work around the problem now but I still have not been able to find the root cause. I'm looking into several different possible causes so be patient with me. Some have mentioned that it might be a virus or a hacker. I'm pretty sure that is not the case here. It looks more like a bug in the software. There are attempted attacks of the forum everyday believe it or not. What they almost always want is to put spam in the forum or swipe email addresses. They are looking to make money. They don't have any real reason to just do something like ban users randomly. I keep the forum software updated when new updates come out. Almost every update is to improve security. The authors of the forum software have done a pretty good job of shutting down the weak points.


