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Ask Steve a question. / Excalibur scroll saws.
« Last post by Greg B on March 12, 2024, 07:45:04 am »
From what I've read, the short answer is no. There's a post that goes into detail in Scroll Saw Village
Reconditioned Excaliburs appear on the web but may be Taiwan knockouts.
Pegas, Jet,and Seco saws are in the same price range as Excalibur used to be. There are many reviews of each of them on the web. By now, you may have figured all of that out, if not, happy hunting!
General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: dewalt 788
« Last post by Greg B on March 09, 2024, 06:52:27 am »
The on/off switch can collect dust over time and fail and you said that it's the original if I'm reading your post right. I had to replace one a few years back. There's a video on testing the switch and replacing it. Good luck!
The tension was set all the way down and the blade clamps were in the right places. I used a couple of different blades to make sure it wasn't a blade that was too short. I really didn't want to send it back because when I was successful in getting a blade to hold it was wonderful to use a new saw after using a used one for 10 years. I learned a lot from the videos. The first disassembly of the old saw was a lesson in humility, but after having made all possible mistakes, the second time around the videos made much more sense. I was able to run the saw with the bottom cover off so that I could see and hear what was causing the racket. All of the noise and vibration was coming from the area of the lower rocker. I'm having a new one shipped, but there are other things that could be the cause. So, we'll see. Thanks for the suggestions!
Have you checked a couple of things, like is the tension all the way up to 5 or above? That tries to raise the upper arm to increase tension and without a blade it can increase the separation. That being said, I have experienced this one other time. I put the blade clamps in upside down. Not upside down on the arms but upside down as in putting the upper clamp on the lower blade and vice versa. This was when I was installing new Pegas blade clamps and I couldn't understand why the Pegas clamps required a 7" blade. When all else fails, I revert back to the primary directive I received in 20 years in the Air Force - RTFM!!! I've worked on lots of DeWalts over the years and I'm betting something isn't set up correctly. Also, Gwinnett Woodworkers have some FANTASTIC YouTube videos on maintaining the 788 from the ground up. Highly recommended.
I've had a DeWalt DW788 type 2 that I bought on Craigslist 10 years ago. It's knocking badly and breaks blades almost immediately. I replaced it with a new one that I bought from Amazon at the great discounted price of $399. After setting it up, I found that the blade holders were too far apart and they barely held the blade tip to tip. I contacted DeWalt, got someone who was basically a phone clerk, explained the problem, and was told that I had to go back to Amazon since it was withing the first 30 days. Amazon offered me either a discount or return, but required that I put it back in the box. I found no way of adjusting the blade distance that worked.  I had all the packing, but absent of a video of me taking it out of the box showing what packing materials went were, I did the best I could. Since it's quite heavy, a special pickup was necessary. Amazon will replace it once they get the old one back. The whole process is about a week.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the replacement won't have the same problem. I'll let you folks know. I'd hate the think that the sale isn't because DeWalt is getting rid of defective machines with the same problem. I found an article on scroll
that described the same issue back in 2006.
I found the videos from Awesomewood and Bob Brokaw very helpful in trying to figure out what's wrong with the old saw. I suspect a bearing on the front rocker arm to be the suspect and have ordered one from PowerToolReplacementParts $39 instead of the $72.50 on Ereplacement parts. I can get the bearing for $20, but would need a bearing press.
Thanks to all those on this and other sites that have shared their know how and experience to help other scrollers!
Are the Excalibur scroll saws still in production? 
Introduce Yourself. / Greetings from the UK
« Last post by Munki on February 28, 2024, 12:37:21 pm »
Hi all new ro scrolling world and so far having fun with it
Hopefully one day I might have the courage to show folks my work ( no confidence in myself)
General Scroll Saw Talk / Hello, Happykiddi
« Last post by Nerrypayom on February 28, 2024, 04:30:39 am »
Hello from Happykiddi.
General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Seyco saw
« Last post by Norm Fengstad on February 27, 2024, 07:01:26 am »
perhaps  by turning the motor slightly will change the for and aft alignment. sideways alignment if the table is perfect then some adjustments can be done at the blade clamp brst to call Seyco they, in the past, always gave me great advice
General Scroll Saw Talk / inkscape help
« Last post by woodcutter on February 11, 2024, 02:36:58 pm »
I put in inkscape a drawing of a bird wing for whirligigs.  I used the Bezier tool first,  then Right click on the line of the  image. A box appears around the image. I  Click Duplicate and try to move the image below the first image and  the whole page moves downward. Don't know what i'm doing wrong. I hope someone can help me.
Thanks in Advance
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