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Messages - New2Scrolling

Pages: [1]
Introduce Yourself. / The newbiest newbie EVER!
« on: May 25, 2020, 09:38:49 am »

Hi Everyone! I am the newest newbie to probably hit this thread in a long time! My dad was, IMO, a master - his work back in the late 90s looked like wooden lace - it was beautiful!  He was a carpenter by trade, and when he retired he found the scrollsaw and Victorian fretwork. His last scrollsaw was a DeWalt 788 and the one I just brought is, yep -- DeWalt 788! I didn't realize that until I ran across a photograph of my dad with his new saw. 

My saw is still in the box, I'm waiting to unbox it when I find a stand that's reasonably priced (I have several Ebay watchlists going) Anyway, I hope to be able to at least do some cute things I have in mind and cut out some of the designs I've created with my new scroll saw. Hopefully, my dad will be watching over my shoulder to steer me. 

I'm also in need of a scrollsaw mentor and Mr. Good's videos and his shop sort of reminded me of my dads shop --- so I'm ready for begin trolling the posts and looking for a wood sensei to help me find my timber-zen!  ;D

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