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Messages - Dave the Bass

Pages: [1]
Introduce Yourself. / Just another retiree in Illinois
« on: February 21, 2017, 11:37:36 am »
I'm Dave.  I've finally signed up for the forum after years of getting daily e-mails from the Workshop.  I believe I have been scrolling for over 7 years.  I started with a new Delta, upgraded to a new DeWalt 788, and last Saturday obtained a Hawk 226VS.  It is like new, but sat around for many years because the wife, for whom it was purchased, did not like to scroll.  She allegedly only used it for 5 hours.  I removed a rusted blade and things got complicated, as I could apply no tension to the new or old blade.  My replacement screws should arrive by Friday and I am crossing my fingers that this will fix my problem.  Yesterday I spoke with a very nice person at Hawk and if I have any further problems, I will call her back.

I really enjoy word art and making name plates and trivets.  It is amazing how your interest in scrolling peaks when your saw works properly.  Every Christmas for the past few years I have made presents out of wood for our children & grandchildren.  By the time I leave this world, there will be enough wood in their homes to start a huge bonfire!  When I give someone an item I have made, I tell them it is a blessing and a curse.  Every time they see the item, they will think of me!

I am Dave the Bass because I have sung bass in several quartets over the past 40 years.


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