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Topics - sistermaide

Pages: [1]
Brag Forum / Anyone else have an Eclipse?
« on: January 23, 2017, 07:22:37 pm »
I am wondering if anyone else owns an Eclipse scroll saw? If so, any comments? Like it?...Love it?...Hate it?...Don't know?

Introduce Yourself. / Eclipse owners, question
« on: November 06, 2016, 07:08:37 am »
Hey are there any Eclipse owners here? I finally got mine, this Spring. I waited a LOONNG time for it, but I am sure it will be worth it. Did you have problems at first understanding the tension? It is probably just me, I get things stuck in my head, and can't seem to just the hurdle at times to forget the old ways and start step by step with the instructions. I finally did it, and now I think it is great. ...I KNEW I would get it, and love it, but just have to shout it out once or twice when it happens. I am kind of like a kid sometimes...when it clicks in my head and I 'get it' I have to find someone to tell.  ;D

You can't start, any sooner than now!

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