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Stencil printer


Want to down load (stencil printer) on my iPad. iPad says (safari) can't download this. Any ideas how I can download this on my iPad?

don in brooklin on:
If you are trying to download and install Stencil printer it is for Windows only.

There is a version that is supposed to work online for MAC at

I don't know how it works on and IPAD as I have a PC

I really enjoy making keychains with Steve's program... but..... if i want to make a 3D pattern, the ones that you fold over a piece of wood and cut it out on each side, I find that unless the words have the same number of letters, one is small and the other is huge. Is there a way to make both of them the same size? I can adjust the length using the sliders on the program, but the size of the actual cutout is very different.... thanks for the help, Jeff

I am defintily interested in the answer too! please help us on this. Many thanks...


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