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Messages - Rapid Roger

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General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Scroll Reverse Blade
« on: May 09, 2010, 04:33:50 pm »
If you can explain how to adjust the tension rod for me, I sure would like to know how to do it on my saw!
My saw has to max out to 5 all the time and sometimes it is not quite enough. Or at least not as much tension as I would like to have.


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Happy Mothers Day
« on: May 09, 2010, 12:47:19 pm »
As our priest said this morning.....
Mothers, Grand-mothers, Great-Grandmothers, God Mothers, Step-mothers,Foster-mothers Mothers-to-be, Wanna-be-mothers, and any other kind of Mothers that I may have missed!  ;D


Ask Steve a question. / Re: hinges
« on: May 03, 2010, 12:40:38 pm »
It could be one of several things.
You could have installed the hinges back ward. ie is there a counter sink for the screw head to recess into. Are you using the corect side of the hinge? Is the counter sink deep enough for the screw head?
Also did you notch a recess in the back of the box for the hinge? is it deep enough? you need some clearance so that the leaves of the hinge are paralell when closed with the screws in place.
Maybe the heads of the screws are too big for the hinge and you need to step a size or two down on the screws.
Are you pre-drilling for the screws and keeping the holes 90 degrees to the surface so the screws seat flush?
Just a few things to look for.
OH YEA!!!!! and DAMHIKT but, could the lid be warped?


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Scrolling videos
« on: May 02, 2010, 09:13:58 pm »
Sorry, I made a mistake. He has 4 vids on getting started....
Look for "Scrollsaw basics 1, 2 3 4" . They were posted about two years ago and I found them very helpful at the time.


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Scrolling videos
« on: May 02, 2010, 08:58:09 pm »
Mr. Steve Good has a website. ""
On his home page  he has a place for videos. If you click on it, it will bring up alot of videos about scrolling on all types of things. Even 3 on getting started.
Hope this helps.  ;D


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Dewalt 788 won't turn on
« on: May 02, 2010, 12:11:39 pm »
Yep!!!!! Once you let the smoke out of an electrical appliance, you can never get it back in!  ;D



General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Does anyone sell their stuff on etsy?
« on: May 02, 2010, 11:52:39 am »
I have tried to sell some things localy (Flea Market) but, not so much for "making money" as just to get rid of "stuff".  :D
I would like to sell for the price of materials at least. But, if you try to figure in the time it takes to cut a simple item, it will not sell.  >:(
Most of us scroll for fun and enjoyment, proffit, will be along time coming.  ::) If you figure the cost of a saw, sand paper, glue, finishing materials, wood, it adds up quick.  :o  Lets not even get into the 3 hours or so to do a piece or the time used to travel to a flea market or the gas or time spent in the booth just hoping someone will give you $10.00 for the bloodwood cross that you spent an hour cutting and sanding!!!  :'(
What is the minium wage these days any way?  ;D ;)


Brag Forum / Re: Key Rings
« on: May 01, 2010, 07:40:44 pm »
I make those key chains too. (I get the chain in bulk from Ace Hardware too)
But, I have an interesting story about cutting them for customers.
I was selling some items at a Flea Market (not much luck) and I had 4 or 5 of the key chains on display. They had names like "JOE", "BOB" "JUDY" etc. A young lady ask me how much they were and I said, "$4.00". She ask if I could cut some for her as Christmas gifts. "Sure" said I, "how many?" Oh about eight she said. "Here is a piece of paper, write down the names." (Oh yea, I forgot to mention, she was from out of town and wanted them mailed to her home.)
Well, when she handed the paper back, there were 8 names on it....ALL LAST NAMES!!!! the shortest one had seven letters in it!!!!
You're right....Alot of work for $32.00 and shipping!!! Never again, in the future it will cost $1.00 per letter!!! Ha Ha Ha Ha

PS forgot to mention, she had miss spelled one of the names and I had to re- cut it!!

I'm supprised that no one mentioned COMFORT! I know for me, if I'm not sitting (or standing) in a comfortable position, scrolling becomes an effort. Every thing seems to go easier and better if your feet (or other parts of your body) are not in pain.
When my back starts to ache, it is harder and harder to make nice cuts in the wood. So, I take five, grab a bottle of water, stroll around the shop or house or yard for five minutes or so and when I get back to the saw "Things go better with a rest"  ;D (I think Coke stole my saying  :D)


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Ryobi Scroll Saw
« on: April 30, 2010, 04:27:35 pm »
I started out about 7 years ago with a  Tradesman that I got from Ace hardware ($100.00) it used pin blades and vibrated so bad that I had trouble keeping it on the table. I used it for about two years (not knowing any better)
A friend recomended trying a Dremel from Lowes ($200.00) and I thougt it was the "cats meow" for 3 or 4 years of use. It did serve me well and I learned to love scrolling again.
Then I found this web site and Steve Good (and another friend) convinced me to buy a DeWalt. I saved my pennys, looked for the best price, and found it at Grizzlys on sale for $450.00 or so!!!   WHOW!!!
I'm sure there better saws around but, the prices are out of my range.
As was said before "You get what you pay for" so take this for what it is worth from a happy scroller.
As time an money permit, I highly recomend a foot "dead man" switch, an auxriary light or two and an "easy lift" for the upper arm. Sure makes life worth scrolling!! ;D


Brag Forum / Re: depression fund
« on: April 22, 2010, 11:05:44 am »
I cut one of those and used a real dollar. I gave it to a friend and told him "Happy Birthday".  :)


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: blade getting dull
« on: April 20, 2010, 10:23:32 am »
I agree, slow the speed down, guide the work piece into the blade do not "push" it.
I too use clear packing tape, it seems to lube/cool the blade as you cut.
Not only will you get better blade life, you will get a nicer smoother cut for less sanding too.

Rapid Roger

Introduce Yourself. / I live in Kansas
« on: April 19, 2010, 10:13:26 am »
Hi everyone. I am a retired 66 year old man. I have been scrolling for about 7 or 8 years as a hobby. I am on my third saw now, I wish I knew how meny blades I have used. Ha Ha
I have a small shop and I do alot of wood working of all types just as a hobby but, I have had a few customer jobs for everything from a garden bench and music stands to cedar chests and crosses.
I do most of my scrolling in the winter but, I have a scroll job coming up for my sons church. They need signs for directing people to various parts if the church.
I hope this fourm does well because we all can learn something from others every day.


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