You're probably not going to like this part any better than I did...........but, I could not find plastic templates of a font I wanted to use except for a couple that were VERY expensive. SO....I cut my own. I printed the alphabet in all caps at the size I wanted, then attached that to formica and cut my own templates. I have used formica for a lot of templates on things I knew I would be cutting over and over. It is very thin and very durable.
One thing about cutting a curvy type letter, is that unless you have 2 of them side by side, you can get away with not being exact on your cutting and no one notices - they still look good. If you use a font that has a lot of straight sides, it forces you to make a lot of straight cuts and REALLY slows you down. So this font gives you a lot of freedom and speed.
I did this because I didn't want to have to take a computer and printer out in the dusty conditions and try to keep track of adhesive spray and paper in the wind as well as needing 2 more electric outlets. This greatly simplified the process. All I had to take was 2-3 pencils, templates and pre-cut blanks. It went very well.