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Messages - spiderman

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General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Wood Burning.
« on: May 05, 2014, 12:19:24 pm »
I like wood burning.  The crackle and pop of the wood and the sparks and smoke going up and the warm of the hands, ahhh, very nice.  Unintentionally, that applies to my wood burning with a tool also.  I do a little to add to my cuttings but I could never find a fireproof pattern to try it on a major picture.  But I do like the smell of cedar toasting in the warmth.  Have fun.

i have a tip.. to burn wood... 

on a cold or a cool day  i go outside and get bunch of wood together and start a fire. the warm heat feels nice. Sometimes the smoke blows on ya but no problem get in the head of the line like at walmart lol.  hmm that was two tips i guess you got a free one from me lol

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Home Depot Hobby Wood Sale
« on: May 04, 2014, 03:37:21 pm »
does anyone know where that video of steve went to home depot to play around and then found the hobby wood there...  I can't find it again.

Heads up,

A branch of the US Department of Homeland Security is telling Americans to stop using Internet Explorer due to a vulnerability that allows hackers to remotely execute codes on victim's computers as they surf the web.

Read more:

it is safe to use internet explorer again  microsoft plug the hole this time after 11 years.

Computer questions / inkscape
« on: May 04, 2014, 02:39:30 pm »
Does anyone know how to put clipart into inkscape to make a patterns. I found a video on youtube but can't find it again.


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: DW788 Sale at Rockler....
« on: March 27, 2014, 02:10:13 pm »
That link shows it at 499.00 and no stand or light included,or at least not mentioned on that link.

Get the Delta 20" Variable Speed Scroll Saw w/Stand (40-695)

Item #: 48317

its comes with the stand and maybe even the light.

The Coffee Shop / umm did steve
« on: March 27, 2014, 02:01:47 pm »
umm did steve good die?    Just wondering he didn't reply to my e-mails...  I know he gets lots of e-mails but 4 months now wow. I know he been sick.  I have sent him the same e-mail for the last 4 months. So I'm just wordering if anyone know if he passaway or is very sick or something?


I would like to know where do you go to get replacement parts for the dw788 scroll saw.  I have look at 1800 tool repair website.   is there any better ones that you have order from and if so how wast the service and costomer service. 

On my other post about the scroll saws  THE ALL THREE NEW DW788 SCROLL SAWS i HAD TO RETURN TO THE STORE AND GOT MY MONEY BACK.  Seem to be something really mess up with the 2013 model scroll saws.  So I'm thinking about getting my repair.  looks like its going to be rebuilt scroll saw which sucks. and I want to save lots of money on the rebuilt. Then I could sell it and get my money back.


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: No More Northern Tool
« on: March 13, 2014, 05:40:00 pm »
check on line first that is what I do before going to the stores...
and then I ask them if they will match it first.   You should call up the BBB in your state and report that store and that manager about it. don't let them get a way with it.

What i did was took a 6 inch sqaure and put inside the chucks on both upper and lower arms and it was off a lot the when you are sitting in front of the saw the top arm is a bent over to the right a little and the lower arm bent a little to the left  which means I had to the set screw set all the way to the right and the top set screw to the left and had to tilt the table a bit to the right to get it to cut at 90 degrees.
that saw went back.  When I got the 2nd scroll saw that damn screws that hold the worklight  the inside screw was strip out and i was so &*^^ off i took it back and got a a replacment  now the 3rd saw i got now is going back the damn thing won't stay on the line i mean it just don't follow the lines at all. so i guess i'll take it back and get my money back and tell dewalt to kiss me butt both cheeks.  i guess the 2013 scrolls saw are bad or something. so i guess i'll wait for awhile and get a 2014 dw788 scroll saw I still got my old scroll saw the 2012 but that got a knocking noise.  I think it the tenssion ron that is knocking.  I also still got the ex-21. I like like that dewalt easy to change blades then the ex-21.
the 2013 scroll saw is gong back on monday. and getting my money back.  500 buck scroll saw wow junk..  I think dewalt should come out with a type 3 scroll and have them made right here in the usa. OR better yet MADE RIGHT HERE IN fargo North dakota.    So Now I had to return 3 new scroll saw all bad dw788 type 2 2013 scroll saws.  

I thought you got rid of your DeWalt a long time ago and moved on to a "better" saw.
How far do you have to tilt the table to get it square to the blade? If it is 4 or 5 degrees, I would say that is a problem. If you are talking about 2 degrees or less, I would just realign the pointer on the degree indicator and start making sawdust.
It doesn't matter if the table is exactly level, the important part is having the blade 90 degrees to the table for a good cut.
How did you determine that the upper arm is bent one way and the lower arm is bent the other way? Is it so bad that you can see it? If so, I would take it back instantly! There may be an adjustment to realign the arms. Or maybe it was damaged in shipping.  
If I had as much of a problem with  scroll saws as you seem to, I would try knitting for a hobby.


My Dewalt dw788 started to making a knocking sound what could it be and how much do you think it well cause to get it repair.

So I went and got a replacemnt one and on the new one the top arm is bent little one way and the bottom arm bent a little the other way and there is no way I can get the blade square to the table the only way I can get the blade square is to tilt the table a bit until the the blade is square to the table  has anyone got a new saw like this its a dewalt dw788. I'm waiting on for a new scroll saw to come and I will be taking this one back.   

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Dw788 again
« on: February 09, 2014, 03:21:26 pm »
I posted a video on Youtube showing the front to back movement of my new DW788 to see what you think.  Maybe I just need more practice.  Let me know.

That is normal just make sure your set screw are set right and that the blade is stright with the table.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: DW788 What to do
« on: February 09, 2014, 03:19:19 pm »
Had the same problem, sent it back and the one they exchanged has the exact same problem, I find I cut a lot less now   >:(


Type 3  I thought that they came out with a type 4 dewalt scroll saw.  So what are the problems you heard that is wrong with the type 3 dewalt scroll saw.  I wish I would of got a type 1 dewalt scroll saw.

Computer questions / i'm making a new webiste soon
« on: February 09, 2014, 03:12:49 pm »
I thought that I would let you people know that i'm making a new website soon.

The blog I have on bogger from google. Just not working out for me.  going to be taking it down soon.

Whatever you do please don't get windows 8.1 its worst ever been.  Yeah right the start button thats a joke in 8.1  If you can with a new computer get windows 7 pro.

Computer questions / Re: Windows 8
« on: February 09, 2014, 03:08:15 pm »
My wife and I would like to buy new laptops, but they all come with Windows 8 today.  We've tried this and it was just too confusing to us "old" folks.  Is there a way to substitute Windows 7 instead?

Get windows 7 pro.  Windows 8 is bunch of Bull S*******

General Scroll Saw Talk / what is the best portable scroll saw
« on: January 25, 2014, 06:01:25 pm »
What is the best portable scroll saw that have the just about the same as the dewalt dw788 scroll and the ex-21 scroll saw.

I have try that Dremal moto scroll saw to load and the small blad is not small enough and it sucks.


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