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Harbor Freight gems......

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I have several HF items, nail gun, staple gun, belt sander, several more. ONE thing I like about Harbor Freight is... on the web site you can download the manual of the tool. This is great, I have 3 binders holding the original manuals and I also have a digital saved on my computer.....keep bringin em HF.

I love that about HF as well, I sometimes look at the manual to get a idea of how it works and how to use it before I buy it. Plus I loose mine all the time and its great to go back and download to look something up.

Has anybody tried the foot switch Harbor Freight sells? Just wondering if it is a gem or a dud. It is cheap enough to buy two for the price of one compared to some other places. Do most people use the model that only works while your foot is on it or the model that you step on and the saw stays running and step on it again to turn it off?

i have both no problems with either one. had them for a long  time. termite

don in brooklin on:
I have 2 Foot petals from HF.  Love them both and awaiting  a road trip next month when I plan on getting a least one more.

On my EX-21 I have the dead mans version. Came with the machine and is identical to the HF ones.

I have a tap on tap off of my sanding station.  I have a two way switch on the back so it turns on the dust collector at the same time.

I have the dead man type on my Dremel.

Plan on getting a tape on tape of for my flat master so I can turn on vac at same time.

Can't live with out them and the HF seem to work real well.


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