Author Topic: New Members  (Read 81322 times)

Offline sgood

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New Members
« on: March 09, 2011, 10:59:17 pm »
We have had 49 new members join the forum so far this month. I see that several of you have posted already and are off to a good start. If this is your first experience using an online forum don't hesitate to ask for help. No question is silly, well maybe a few are silly but who cares we are all friends here.

Jump in and try things out. You won't break anything unless you hit the "Any" key which will wipe out the database and collapse the internet. Don't worry though because I have the internet backed up on my local hard drive.

There are not many rules here except to watch out for GrayBeard. He's a little scary but the doctors allow him out two days a week now.

Russ is my hugely under paid moderator here. He keeps watch over things and relentlessly bans the spammers(bad guys) to keep them from spoiling the family fun. He accepts tips preferably in small denomination unmarked bills.

There are craftsmen and women here from all levels of the craft. When you see the beautiful cuttings by Mrsn, Cherie, Merlin and others or the incredible intarsia by Intarsia92 don't be intimidated. They started just like you. Except for Intarsia92 who came out of the womb making beautiful intarsia. We also have some great pattern designers here like grandpa who helps more scrollers than Tylenol. Sheila Landry who is one of the top five pattern designers in the world today and yes I'm jealous. We even have a few readers that don't even have a scroll saw yet. They just enjoy learning while they wait to buy a saw. A couple of them are here looking to pick up women but I happen to know they are broke so don't waste your time ladies.

Glad to have all of you with us here and I hope you enjoy the forum and make a few new friends while you are at it. If you have friends that you think would enjoy the hobby send them our way and we will do our best to get them addicted to saw dust just like us.


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Re: New Members
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2011, 11:35:13 pm »
Whew Steve, I thought you might be talking about me in the bottom of the next to last paragraph. But after reading it again, it's those without saws and money. I'm just without money! Plus, my wife would take my saw away if I picked up another lady. Even if she came with a saw!  ;D

But I agree with a big welcome to all the newcomers! Let the saw dust fly and ask any question. If you have answers that's a plus too!

Offline GrayBeard

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Re: New Members
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2011, 12:34:37 am »
AWWWWW, Steve! You spoil all my fun!

All those new members!
I guess it's time to recycle a few hundred of my funny posts...sorry guys and gals you'll just have to read them again!


Being very serious (darn hard for me too!)...
THREE years ago I didn't have any ideas of using a scroll saw beyond cutting out 'acorn' shapes for some bird feeders I was making.

In that short span of time I have bought two saws, the last one a DeWalt 788, and have launched the most satisfying hobby I have had since I discovered girls!

Every one of us starts with little or limited knowledge of what these machines are capable of and how to make them work.

YOU, New Members, are the lucky ones! We have been through it all and can help you over the bumps and ruts in the "Scroll Saw Road"!

AND... we are here to HELP you, encourage you, explain things for you and in general make your scrolling life so much easier and more enjoyable.

What started out about 10 months ago as an informative offshoot of Steve's Blog has turned into the repository of virtually ALL information available about this gratifying hobby!

WE have become an extended Family and group of Friends. That does not mean we all agree on everything as you would expect in any family! But we treat each other with RESPECT because each one of us knows that no ONE of us has all the knowledge. We are always friendly, helpful and ready and willing to tell of our experiences so others may benefit.

There is kidding, teasing, cajoling and good natured fun. There has even been known to be help above and beyond scrolling!

So I personally invite each and every one of you to PARTICIPATE and join our FAMILY!

I Welcome you and so does every other member of this group.

Now, If someone will call the 'home' and let them know I am ready to return......

I never really wanted to grow up....All I wanted was to be able to reach the cookie jar...and play with my DW 788


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Re: New Members
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2011, 03:07:33 am »
Very well said Steve and GB. And guys GB is not all that scary once you come to know him his a great guy with a big heart :).
So To all of you glad you found this international family of scrollers and feel welcome.


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Re: New Members
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2011, 06:44:31 am »
Well put Steve and GrayBeard!   8) I've joined other forums before I started scrolling, but never felt as welcomed as I did here.  In the thousands of posts I've read since signing in here, I have yet to see one bad word said about another member, other than the aforementioned cajoling! :D.

Now, If someone will call the 'home' and let them know I am ready to return......

Not to worry GB...we called them as soon as we saw you were out! ;D

As for the New Members, WELCOME TO THE FAMILY!!!

Offline julief

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Re: New Members
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2011, 07:16:55 am »
Again, welcome to all you new members.  We are so truly glad to have you.  The vast majority of us are self taught, which simply means we have made every mistake known to man!  Please don't be afraid to ask the questions.  We've all been there and done that!  We are eager and happy to share what we know and are excited to see what you are up to.
For me, I was a single mom with two kids in college.  I needed extra income and this is how I got it.  Since, I have been able to make a fairly decent living with my scrollwork and finally gave up my job to do this full time.  I am still amazed that I get paid for doing something I love so much.
I had NEVER talked to strangers on the internet until this forum.  There are no strangers on this forum.  These folks are friends and family and I am blessed to have them in my life.


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Re: New Members
« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2011, 10:04:37 am »
Ok my turn.... To all new members to this forum I was just like you once, I was looking for info so I did a search on google for scroll sawsand sawing and Up popped alot of searchs but the one that caught my eye was Steves blog so I went and had a look, while there I noticed he had some videos on you tube so I had a look well that is all it took for me I was hooked to his Blog.
 One day as I was looking through all of Steves patterns and reading his stories I seen he had a forum so I came here sat back for awhile and read posts then one day I said I am going to join this forum so I did and now I couldn't be more pleased with this forum, I WAS a member of other ones until I joined this one because this forum is (as my wife puts it) not as steril as the other forums we have a friendship (family type) here that the others just don't have. As for GB he is a little hard to get a read on at first but give him time you will learn he is just a big old rough Teddy Bear with a heart to match (sorry GB I had to) as for the rest of us once you get to know us (much like I had to learn) Were a down right Great bunch of people who look out for each other and thanks to Steve and Russ who look out for the forum as a whole.

I wouldn't want to go anywhere else and I belive once you come on in and sit a spell at our Scroll Saw (forum) you will feel the same way we all did when we got started here.
 So if have any questions feel free to ask there are no stupid questions.
 Join up and enjoy your stay we welcome each and everyone of you with open Hearts, minds and arms. I hope to see you around the Forum.

« Last Edit: March 10, 2011, 10:09:22 am by Chachi »

Offline Judy Hunter

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Re: New Members
« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2011, 10:29:26 am »
I found this  ;D"GROUP-O-GOOFIES"  ;) doing a search for a letter opener pattern.  Now that I think on it, I don't believe I ever actually did the letter opener pattern I found here.
This is the best bunch of scrollsawing friends you can find. I think GB and I should start a feud just to add some contrast to all the niceness that is here.   Nah...I like him too much.
Welcome to all new comers and come have fun with us.
I'm from North Dakota


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Re: New Members
« Reply #8 on: March 10, 2011, 10:52:37 am »
Hi to all the new members and welcome to the family, I cannot add anything that as been said just sit back, enjoy and join in, I suppose all the older members will have to be bombarded with GB's recycled funny post, here we go again. ......Paul


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Re: New Members
« Reply #9 on: March 10, 2011, 12:08:15 pm »
AAAWWW.  Thanks Steve and welcome all new members.  I am sorry but my time is limited due to the fact I am in school.  However, I saw my name and feel so good now.  Going to get a big head over this.  LOL  Love my woodworking family.

Offline Russ C

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Re: New Members
« Reply #10 on: March 10, 2011, 01:20:08 pm »
Come one, come all and welcome to the Scrollsaw Workshop Community. Hi I'm Russ your moderator.  :)

We cordially invite all new members to join the family and fun of the forum. Your only a stranger until you make your first post and I would like to recommend the Introduce Yourself Category as your first stop.  :P

We have members from all over the world here on the forum and scroll sawing has broke the boundaries of race, color, ethnicity, gender, language and more. I believe it is also because of Steve's passion for scrolling and the enjoyment of helping others in the art of scrolling. The forum seems to emanate Steve's own personality. ( Personally I think Steve is a little crazy and needs to be in the home not GB. I mean come on, think about it. Who in his right mind would give all the patterns he makes for free. "Shhhhh don't tell him I said so".)  ::)  ::)  ::)

Don't be more nervous than a long-tailed dog in a room full of rocking chairs, feel free to browse thought the category's and post, post, post.  ;)

Just remember, before you can get to be the best, you have to start as the worst. We all where beginners at one time, some just don't like to admit it (and think they know it all). So we are willing to help, if you need it.  :) 

So once again welcome, come on in and sit down, take your shoes off, relax and join the fun.  :)

Keep The Blade On The Line.

Offline mrsn

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Re: New Members
« Reply #11 on: March 10, 2011, 08:12:15 pm »
I'm with cherie, I might get a big head after being listed. Thank you, I hope I can keep up with the awesome projects the new members keep posting!
welcome to everyone!

Offline dgman

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Re: New Members
« Reply #12 on: March 10, 2011, 11:48:01 pm »
Hey Newbies, I'm Dan. I guess I'm the tips guy. If you have any question about your scroll saw, Blades or scroll sawing in general, just ask. We are here just for you! Don't be shy! If your like me and a bad speller, download a spell check program like I did. I spell check every post I make, so you can do it too!
Dan In Southern California

Chef Duane

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Re: New Members
« Reply #13 on: April 21, 2011, 08:12:04 am »
Well Hello All, My name is Duane And I am new to scroll sawing. i have made a few things and I love it ,my family dose to I have things each of my kids want to make them. I live in Newport News, Virginia. I am the  lead chef at a local comedy club. I look forward to talking to and meeting all of you.


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Re: New Members
« Reply #14 on: April 21, 2011, 08:28:54 am »
Welcome to the forum Duane!


