Author Topic: Trying to cut out a middle piece on old Scroll saw.  (Read 2184 times)

Offline Buzz

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Trying to cut out a middle piece on old Scroll saw.
« on: December 04, 2020, 12:18:52 am »
I have a Protech 3303 the upper arm does not raise up.  I am trying to do the Santa pattern Steve put out the other day.  I didn't know if there are any tips or tricks in getting the blade in the holes in the center of the big board 10" I have bent the blade trying to get it in the holes.  Thanks in advance for any help. 

Offline KCSteve

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Re: Trying to cut out a middle piece on old Scroll saw.
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2020, 09:00:45 am »
It's better to bend the blade to the side instead of front / back, but there are still limits.

How easy/hard is it to clamp the blade top & bottom?  You might have to put the blade through the wood and then clamp it.  Might have to use a little blue tape to keep the  blade from slipping out until you get it clamped.

Not having an arm that lifts is a definite restriction.  Doesn't mean you can't do things, just means it's harder.  But therefore more rewarding when you do succeed.

Good luck!

KCSteve :->


