Author Topic: Tape on partially finished work  (Read 2688 times)

Offline overfifty

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Tape on partially finished work
« on: April 21, 2019, 10:31:55 pm »
I applied blue painters tape to a partially cut out pattern to keep some of the finer cuts from getting damaged and falling out. I then had health issues that prevented me from visiting the shop for several months and removing the tape. Now I'm concerned that the tape will do a lot of damage if I try to remove it. Is there something I can "wash" the tape with that will remove the tape and leave the work undamaged or stained. Thank you.

Offline sardilou

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Re: Tape on partially finished work
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2019, 05:01:56 am »
When I removed decals from vehicles we used a heat gun set low and applied hot air from a safe distance to the work this method softens the adhesive and is a clean solution a hair dryer will also work depending on the work you are applying heat to.

Offline GLC

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Re: Tape on partially finished work
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2019, 10:57:04 am »
The previously suggested heat gun work well to loosen the tape from your work or applying mineral spirits to the tape and let it soak in for a few moments.  Note: if you use mineral spirits on a rag to apply to tape dispose of the rag properly.  They can self combust!  When I use mineral spirits on a rag I take it out of my shop when I leave and place the rag spread out on my driveway to evaporate all of the mineral spirits.  Regards  >>  GLC in Cypress, Texas

Offline overfifty

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Re: Tape on partially finished work
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2019, 02:48:05 pm »
Thank you very much. I'd put a lot of hours into the scroll work and didn't really want to have to do it again. Cheers!


