Author Topic: Neck pain  (Read 2121 times)

Offline coachgrd

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Neck pain
« on: March 05, 2021, 03:03:58 pm »
Off the wall question, but have any of you experienced neck pain from scrolling?  I assume it's similar to what some are experiencing from looking down at their phone continually.  I may have to rig up a higher table.   

Offline justlarry

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Re: Neck pain
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2021, 09:33:02 am »
Yes. Two things I did well, actually three. 

I use a real comfortable office chair to sit in.  (Goodwill store $10.00) [I am not cheep but I do like a good bargain)When cutting every once in a while just lean back and stretch some.  Also, do not sit too long at a time.  Stand up, move around a bit.

Built stand that lets saw sit at an angle so I do not have to bend my head down as much. 

Relax when cutting.  Tension can also bring on the pain.


Offline coachgrd

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Re: Neck pain
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2021, 07:52:32 am »
Thanks Larry.  I think I may have identified what was causing the pain...scrolling was not it, but it wasn't helping. 

Offline Danny

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Re: Neck pain
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2021, 06:16:30 pm »
Just had to add My Reply....  YEA Make sure a Chair is Comfortable.  I also use a Good Well Made Office Chair.
Make the table holding the Scroll Saw tilt towards you around 4 inches high in the back.  Make sure your Chair
is at a level where your Elbows are Straight to the top of the Saw.  Use Good Mag Glasses or Mag Light.  I could
not get used to the mag light.  Mag glasses are my go to.  Lighting is Very Important.  Overhead and Saw Light.
Have a Stereo system playing your favorite music.  ETC....  Have a Good Ventilator System in your shop.  Make
sure you either have a Good Dust Collector System Working Good or Have the dust blow into a Square Fan with
a Good filter taped on.    Practice and Practice until you can cut a 90 without batting an eye.    Nuff now....  Danny  :+}
Danny  :+}

Offline coachgrd

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Re: Neck pain
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2021, 11:44:27 am »
Just had to add My Reply....  YEA Make sure a Chair is Comfortable.  I also use a Good Well Made Office Chair.
Make the table holding the Scroll Saw tilt towards you around 4 inches high in the back.  Make sure your Chair
is at a level where your Elbows are Straight to the top of the Saw.  Use Good Mag Glasses or Mag Light.  I could
not get used to the mag light.  Mag glasses are my go to.  Lighting is Very Important.  Overhead and Saw Light.
Have a Stereo system playing your favorite music.  ETC....  Have a Good Ventilator System in your shop.  Make
sure you either have a Good Dust Collector System Working Good or Have the dust blow into a Square Fan with
a Good filter taped on.    Practice and Practice until you can cut a 90 without batting an eye.    Nuff now....  Danny  :+}

great stuff Danny, thx

Offline Toneman

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Re: Neck pain
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2021, 11:51:10 am »
I found my neck and shoulders hurting when I first started scrolling. Besides adjusting my chair and saw stand and good lighting, I discovered I was tensing up so I learned to take a deep breath and drop my shoulders. I realized my shoulders were up and not down.

Offline Norm Fengstad

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Re: Neck pain
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2021, 11:15:33 am »
I find myself tensing up as well and breathing becomes shallow. so have learned to concentrate on deep breathing this seems to relax me


